He will always be there

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It had been two weeks since that session, and the atmosphere in the house grew lighter as Bamberly and Banjex realized that the therapy was working, that they were working towards a healthy relationship.

Bamberly grew to trust Bamwind more, and so did Banjex. They brought him with them when they went out, or when Bamwind wasn't feeling well, they'd leave him with the house.

There was a noticeable change within Bamwind as well, from the feeling of crushing panic to being relaxed for the first time in a long time, even with his new job of being a karate trainer, which the others took notice of, as Bamwind sat down on the couch.

"You're happy." Bamburai said, limping over to the couch. "I... I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before."

"Huh?" Bamwind did a double take at his words, fighting off his instinct to defend his old lifestyle. "I think... I think you're right. Thank you."

"You're damn right that I'm correct." He lowered himself onto the couch, leaving the crutches by the armrest. "That village is hell."

"Yeah, you're right." He said after laughing at the remark. "I'm glad I left."

They sat in the comfortable silence, as Bamwind realized that now his brother was being kind to him. Overwhelmed with the realization, he began crying, but this time, out of happiness.

His brother shifted over to look at him, and for a moment, he was worried, until he hugged him, attempting to comfort him.

As Bamburai hugged Bamwind, he knew right then and there that...

He will always be here.

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