15| Open Invitation

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"What the fuck?"

Sully raised a brow, watching as Y/n drove away without responding back to his text. After a minute, he shrugged it off, walking away from the window and throwing his phone onto the couch. The day had exhausted him, however he knew it would be a long time before he'd be able to sleep. The eyeless demon didn't like traveling to the city, where he was more likely to be seen. That meant that Liu was without meds for quite some time, which included his antidepressants. Without them, he often felt exhausted and drowsy, yet never able to sleep through the night.

He inhaled deeply, stretching his long, muscular arms before heading to his bedroom to get a change of clothes. Sully only showered during the night, and was in need of one from the events that took place not too long ago. Yes, Sully was in fact a stickler for good hygiene. Well, maybe it was because Liu rubbed off on him in that sense. Though what did it matter anymore? He felt extremely dirty from the blood that stained his hoodie, and wanted to rinse the feeling off as quickly as possible.

"And where were you?" Sully's eyes widened, jumping just slightly. His face returned back to a scowl upon seeing a man in his bed, tapping away at his phone.

"Fuck do you want, you dumb painter?" Sully spat, moving to grab a fresh pair of clothes to change into.

"Oh, I was hoping to talk to Liu, but I guess I can wait until later." He sat up, stretching his muscular arms in front of him. Helen had clearly gotten comfortable, taking it upon himself to discard his jacket and throw it onto one of the bed posts.

"Great, now get out." Sully opened a window, gesturing for Helen to jump out.

"Geez, what a way to treat your guests."

"Sorry, pests don't count as guests." Helen put his left and right foot on the window sill, adjusting the white mask on his face. He took one final look at the male who was impatiently waiting for his departure. An idea came to him, thinking of the joy it would bring him to fuck with Sully's head.

"Hey, if I were you Sully, I wouldn't go to sleep." He kicked his feet off, jumping from the second story down to the back of the apartment complex, leaving Sully speechless.

"Fuck does that mean?!" He called out, watching as Helen walked away into the unknown. Sully gripped the sill of the window hard, gritting his teeth in frustration. He wasn't a complete idiot, he knew that Helen was hinting at Jeff, thanks to the oh so great catchphrase he came up with.

Sully inhaled deeply, slamming the window shut in a small rage of fit. He then grabbed his clothes, walking to the bathroom. Hopefully a shower would allow him to cool off.

It did not.

Upon turning the handle, the water wouldn't run down the faucet. Sully furrowed his eyebrows, trying it a couple more times before resorting to smacking the metal. He remained crouching in the middle of the bathroom, topless while spitting curses at a piece of metal. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, accepting defeat. However, while getting up, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, causing him to bang the top of his head on the curtain rod.



"Hey so, since you aren't human, does that mean you just charge overnight?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Y/n wrote notes around their arm about the material they were learning, hoping that looking at it throughout the day would help them memorize it.

"I mean, I'm just asking. It's not really a dumb question when you think about it." They said. It was early in the morning. So early that their first class wouldn't start until 30 minutes later. BEN thought it would be a good idea to wake them up to study.

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