Chapter 1 - Home

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"Yaar Pakhi... this is not done "

An exasperated Priya was at her wits end , as she was attending the third call from her friend Pakhi, all the while managing her own toddler daughter.

"Ok... now I won't call you too. After all, it's me disturbing you all right ? Chalo.. let's hang up.

"No no yaar... come on, now. You know I didn't mean that. You are my best friend, Pakhi "

"Acha... so you remember  I am your best friend? Just a minute ago, you were supporting him ? Weren't you ? "

"Oye I was just trying to tell you, Virat isn't the kind of guy who wouldn't come home on time and wander around with friends. He is so in love with you,girl. Must have been too busy yesterday. "

Though Pakhi was furious at Virat for not setting aside enough time for them, hearing how much her husband loves her, made her smile a bit.

"I know Priya... he has been always adjusting,trying to squeeze in time between our work. But, you know, at times I feel we have missed so much of our special days. Sometimes it's his work and sometimes mine. I am not blaming him. I know how much he longs to come back home and spend time together. Sigh. Chalo, you take care of the baby. I am alright now. "

"That's more like my girl!" Now be a good girl and talk to him. Let him know what you want exactly,and don't make him feel its his mistake,right ?"

"Okay... my daadi amma. I will be a good girl ".

Pakhi smiled as she hung up the call and took a sip from her coffee mug . She truly is lucky to have a friend like Priya in her life.

It's been two days since Pakhi had a fight with Virat. She was looking forward to a vacation and had completed all her assignments and met the deadlines even working overtime and late at night. All  just to be with him. But then, he had an important conference to attend. What got on her nerves was how quickly he said yes to his senior's suggestion to attend the meeting. After all it was a suggestion, not an order .He could have said no, if he wished to.

It's true that she ignored his calls. By the time he came home last night,she had left for work.

A Beep sound from her phone brought her back to the moment.

It was Virat's text.

"I might be late today. Don't wait up .Have your dinner. Love " it read.

Pakhi didn't know how to respond now. Here ,she was hoping to talk to him and now comes this. Great.

Virat glanced at the dashboard as he parked his car. '11.30 pm '
No! Man... he shouldn't have been late today too. He had thought of coming home early and take her out for a dinner.

He knew how upset she is going to be. It's not like he didn't want the holidays, infact he wished for it more than her. But then, his colleague needed his help. His friend couldn't have left a pregnant wife and a 3 year old at home and attended the conference. That's why he had to take it up.

Virat shaked his head as he stepped out of the elevator .
"It's my fault.. I should have told her why I cancelled our plans. How would she know otherwise ? "

He stepped inside their bedroom,only to see Pakhi asleep, her face facing the wall.

"Pakhi... "

He gently touched on her shoulder, but found her deep in sleep.

"Seems you are asleep. I will talk to you in the morning then.Goodnight my love "

The sound of water dripping down startled  Pakhi out of sleep.
She saw his phone and wallet lying on the table.

It hurt her again that he didn't care to wake her up. It's true that when we are hurt with something,everything just hurts even more. She hates when someone tries to wake her up from her sleep, but not when it is Virat.
How she missed him sprinkling a few drops of water,wriggling his hands on her face.

Her trail of thoughts got broken as she saw Virat coming out of the washroom and went to back to her pretended sleep.

Virat sat on his side of the bed and looked at her sleeping. He just wanted to talk to her. He is so not used to her silence. He missed her ranting about her work place and her strict editor. Often he would drift to sleep listening to that and she would laugh at his bewildered expression as he tries to stay awake with droopy eyes like a child caught sleeping in the maths class.

"Pakhi... "

"I know you aren't sleeping.... "

She opened her eyes and turned her face towards him.

"Pakhi... I am sorry. I didn't mean to be late today. It just happened  "

"It's ok Virat. You have work, even I have. It's better if we behave like mature people and not complain about all these. I am sorry that I  ignored your calls. You could have dropped me a message, just like you did tonight. "

Virat was surprised by her calm sorted voice. Something wasn't right. He wouldn't have minded an outburst, but this was so cold and not like her .

"Yaar, why do you say so. I am sorry that I chose the conference above our holidays. But, I told you the reason . I had texted you . "

"Yes, Virat . I get it . I am not angry at you. It's just that , I don't know... somewhere I feel something is off... " her eyes brimmed with tears as she struggled not to cry infront of him, for something as silly as this. Infact, she herself didn't know why she was crying. Yes, they missed a chance to have a  good weekend together, but she also knew his reason was genuine. Then why is it  hurting like this...

------- to be continued -----

😃 Hope you enjoyed reading this part of the story. The next part will be updated soon. Do let me know in comments ,if you liked reading this.

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