Chapter - 5 Hope

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"One cute tiny being with the same cute eyes and the same adorable smile "

Pakhi kept looking at Virat who was blissfully asleep. The thought of holding a tiny Virat in her hands someday, made her eyes brim with joy.

"Can that someday, be today? " thought Pakhi to herself.

"Yaar Pakhi, what are you even thinking... you very well know that you aren't pregnant... now stop day dreaming " she chided herself and struck herself on the face with a pillow.

She came out of the bed slowly  , without disturbing Virat's sleep.

A few minutes later Virat was up and like always, his first thought was to make sure Pakhi was fine.

"Pakhii.... I have made you coffee. Have your breakfast and get ready soon. Our appointment is at 9 am. "

Virat had some important emails to send as he had taken an half day off from duty.

"I am ready, Virat. See "

Virat was surprised to see Pakhi all dressed up and on time.

"Someone has started to be punctual "

"Yes Boss "

"Can we go a bit early " Pakhi asked, surprising Virat even more.

"Now this is weird yaar ! Am I dreaming or is it really you ? As far as I know, my wife would be the last person to get excited for a hospital visit " 

"Kekeke... now stop laughing and come with me ". She said making an annoyed face.

"Yes madam.... always at your service". He took his car keys and held her hands.

At the Hospital :

"It's been an hour already... Why is it taking this long " Virat was getting tensed as his sole thought at the moment was about her health.

"I hope everything is ok. Please God, let my Pakhi be fine. I will do anything " . He silently prayed.

"Sir, the doctor wants to meet you "

"Uh...ok ... "

Virat rushed in with all sorts of panic written on his face.

Inside the Doctor's cabin, he saw Pakhi and the doctor chatting. Both looked up as Virat came in.

"See Ma'm, look at him. This is what I was saying ." Pakhi pointed to Virat.

"Ah there. You do have a point, Pakhi". The Doctor laughed .

Though Virat was puzzled at what's being discussed about him, he felt relieved that things looked fine from their body language.

"Come Virat, sit. "

"Thankyou, Ma'm. I.. I hope Pakhi is alright ".

"Oh yes ! There is nothing to worry about her. It's the stress . Also some Vitamin deficiency. I have put her on a diet from today. Make sure she follows it ".

"Sure Ma'm. " He said with a deep breath.

Pakhi looked at his face closely as the creases on his forehead disappeared and a bright smile came on to his face.

"Even you need to relax, Virat. It looks  like you get extremely tensed about her . " The Doctor said smiling.

Later inside Virat and Pakhi's car :

Virat had put on his favourite song .

"Pakhii... so, where do you want to go first? Shopping ? Or Pizza ?"

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