Chapter 2 - Silence

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"Pakhi.... "

"No Virat, please don't say anything now. Switch off the lights now. You need to get some sleep too"

She struggled to look at him and just wanted to hide herself. She rushed to the bed and hid her face deep into the pillow.

Virat was shaken by what just transpired. This wasn't right. They keep fighting like every husband and wife. More like kids sometimes. She would even throw a thing or two at him. But , this wasn't one of those. He knew she was convinced of his reason. She isn't angry either. Then why is there this silence between them. Why isn't she scolding him ?
Why isn't she saying something like "only you have work ? All others just go to office to chill ,right ?
I should have said yes to that Banker guy's proposal that my Papa brought. Could have atleast roamed all over the Country, courtesy his transfers ".

A smile crept upon Virat's face as he thought of his crazy wife's crazier fights. She was his everything. His best friend, his companion. He loved everything about her, including her bad temper. He knew how much she loves him, how much she loves everyone close to her.

Virat covered her with a blanket, and looked at her hoping she would say something. Then , walked to his side and sat on the bed, leaning back to the head rest.  The last two days were  taxing on him too. He thought she would be angry and he would set it right as always. But now he was lost. He knew his angry Pakhi, but a distant Pakhi was something he couldn't understand.

"Distant ... " the word struck on Virat all of a sudden. He remembered her telling him, how she as a child used to distance herself from people fearing they won't love her forever. She was afraid of losing the ones she love. It could be a friend,her parents or simply her favourite toys . She always kept aloof from them fearing she would lose them. In a way the distance she created with them was to protect herself from being hurt. She was training herself to be alone and not feel sad, if they could no longer be with her or support her.

A tear fell along his cheeks,as he finally realized what was troubling his Pakhi. It wasn't the holidays missed... it wasn't even about not getting to celebrate life's little events... it was about her fear. Two days of not talking to him has made her fearful of what if a distance grew within them? What if they don't talk to each other like everyday? .

No. He won't let that fear engulf her. He was always clear from the beginning of their relationship that whatever situation they find themselves in, they are going to be together in it. He might be angry with her for a while, he might be upset with her, but at the end of the day he is with her.

Virat placed his hand on her head and slowly caressed her hair. At that moment he just wished Pakhi could hear the song of his heart, that would take away all the fear from her inner child.

Pakhi hid her face more into the pillow as she felt his hands over her head, patting her into sleep like a baby. She couldn't control her tears anymore. She didn't have any complaints now. It felt like someone just unearthed all the fear she had hid deep in a box and placed it for the world to see. She felt her soul being exposed. She was now shaking with tears, weeping aloud.

Virat made her sit up and hugged her as firmly as he could. She snuggled more into him and held on to his shoulder. That moment felt like peace. He sighed with relief  looking at her snuggling like a kitten.

"Sshhh... Pakhi... listen to me "

"Hmmm... "

"Cry as much as you wish... let all your fears come out. I am here, sitting next to you "

"Hmm... " a whimpering Pakhi could manage to say that only.

Virat held her close, wiped her tears and made her lean on to the bed and stood up.

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