Chapter - Forever

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"Sir, do you think this is common ? "

Virat asked submitting his report on how the Corporates were behind the social media hate campaign against him and Pakhi.

"I have put a considerable amount of time and effort behind this , Sir. There are digital evidences from our cyber wing "

"Yes, Officer. Has anyone complained of it officially ? I mean has your wife officially lodged a complaint ? "

"No Sir . Not for the time being. As I said , these Id's could be of people as young as 15 . Some are misguided , some are used . When we move against the company , it should not put these youngsters in trouble. Their one mistake might end them up in jail and destroy their future"

"So you don't want these irresponsible idiots on social media to be punished ? "

"Sir, we will file a case against the Company and demand an apology from those random sites too. I will see to it that the individuals who are behind this will face the charges."

Virat stopped , took a deep breath and continued.

"But as far as some of the hate mongers are concerned, we might require some more time to see who instigated them, what motivates them to attack someone verbally in such a filthy manner. The people who gives them these directions need to punished. It's an orchestrated attack , Sir. Whenever My wife... I mean whenever Patralekha , the journalist makes a post , she is haunted with terrible comments . "

"I see... even after 4 months ? "

"Yes Sir, usually if we observe such hate campaigns, it springs up during some issue and gradually dies down when the public attention shifts. But here, the hate campaign has remained constant. She is relentlessly tortured. That's certainly an act of vested interest.

See this ,Sir. yesterday at 10 pm , she has made a random post about a Cake she made. Nothing to trigger anyone.  But, within 10 minutes there are hate comments . Proves that it is orchestrated " 

"Good find, Virat. Let me present this before the higher officials. But are you sure, you don't want to file against these Id's ? They should suffer for what they do. "

" It's kindness,  Sir. The same kindness that these people refuse to show us. These youngsters could be manipulated or not educated about cyber bullying. Some of them are grown ups. They deserve punishment for what they do. But, they too have a family. Parents, who know nothing about what their teenaged kid does on   their phone, might be shocked when one fine day they see Police at their door step . These women who had no shame in harassing my wife could also be someone's mother.  Imagine, having to see your wife or mother going to the Police Station because their mind was blind with hate. It could break their families, Sir . But , let's see how long this goes on. We won't be lienient everytime. But for now,  the mercy we show on them will be their punishment . "

"I am sorry for what you have went through, Virat. " The officer noticed the break in Virat's voice.

"It's nothing Sir , compared to what my wife had to go through. Still she is subjected to .... " his eyes filled up as he spoke.

"I only know one thing, Sir.. If she is still with me, still doing her job, still around... that's because of the extreme strength of character she has.  Her mind has become numb ... "Virat stopped realizing that he is speaking infront of his Senior.

The officer placed a hand on his shoulder "Virat, I understand. I just hope things turn good for you and your wife. As far as the case is concerned, you leave it on me. I will see how the company dares to move against our department ".... "you take care " .

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