Chapter 6 - Break Them Apart

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"It might be too long . But it's a sensitive case. Keep that in mind."

"Yes, Sir"

"You will report to me, before taking any decision. Remember, we don't want the issue to escalate any further. Is that clear ? "

"Yes, Sir. " Virat saluted his Officer before leaving the office.

There was a strike by going on by the locals against a Corporate company, accusing them of polluting their water  bodies with their chemical wastes. Virat and his team was on duty as the Company requested for police protection. It was a difficult scenario to manage as the public demand was very just , while the Company with their strong holds in political parties wanted to end their strike and safeguard own interests.

The Police department was in a fix as they cannot anger the public nor they can move against the orders from the higher authorities. So, getting Virat on team was one of the first things the Seniors thought of. They knew that his reputation with the people is really good and he is a smooth negotiator. But for Virat, this was more than a case.

Pakhi was the journalist who exposed the Company's violation of laws and she has been reporting on the issue without a break and bringing forth articles on behalf of the people in the locality.

Her interviews with the people struggling  had managed to catch everyone's attention.  The internet had gone into a frenzy with people including actors and public figures speaking up for the poor villagers. Virat was really proud of what Pakhi had done. He infact helped her in researching the topic while she put in those sleepless nights over the issue.

"Pakhi... where are you "

"I can't hear you clearly Virat,me and my crew are covering the strike ... helloo.. can you hear me ? "

He couldn't hear her properly as the voice was breaking.

The moment he reached the Company site, he knew the situation was far more worse than being told. There were slogans, loud speakers, a lot of noise and it was impossible to hear anything in the crowd.

He straight away went to the Manager
"Sir , you are here ! "

"Yeah... don't worry. We will manage. Just make sure none of the employees are out there in the ground. Tell them not to leave until we approve. Rest be assured you all will be safe "

"Ok Sir "

Virat went out into the crowd and tried to negotiate with the leaders of the strike. He knew they were right.
"Ok, I will put forward all your points before them. But you all have to promise me that there won't be anything bad happening "

"Sure sir. What will we do ? All we are asking for is for our right to live. Its bare minimum. We don't want to trouble anyone. Look at our kids, Sir. Don't they deserve even a glass of pure water "

Virat's heart broke,looking at the little kids , some with lung infections struggling to breath , others having skin rashes all thanks to the chemicals those lakes and water bodies carried .

"I have to report this to the seniors and see to it, that the Company abides by the law . These poor locals can't be victims to the company's greed ". He thought as he dialled his senior.

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