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"Everliegh Nevaeh Gallagher!  get over here, NOW!" I yell from across the house as Everliegh is running around naked.

Life has been good, everliegh is 2 now. Carl loss his spot in military school, but he's a cop now! We have been saving up for our own place, we have been looking for some around here but no luck.

Kev and V ended up having twins. Jemma and Amy, their cuties. They where born 5 months after Everliegh, their all best friends... even through their technically her aunts.

Me and Carl have been getting along great. All around life is just good. Carl gets payed good, I stay at home and take care of all of the kids while everyone is at work, and Kev and V pay me. Speaking of the kids

"Shit Jemma get off of there" I say as I grab her off of the top of the play pin.

"Ok nap time" I yell out to everyone

"Nooooo!" They all yell and start pouting.

"But mommy" everliegh says as she comes up and hugs me.

"Come on baby you have to take a nap, mommy needs a break" I say as I pick her up and bring her up stairs, as Jemma and Amy follow behind me.

I lay everliegh down in her bed, that's across the room from mine and Carls, and turn off the light.

"Good night mommy" she says as she lays down

"Good night sweet girl" I say as I close the door.

Then, I walk over to Jemma and Amy's room and put them to bed

"Good night sissy" Amy says as she's rubbing her eyes

"Good night" I say and kiss the top of her head

I shut the door and walk back down stairs and get a bottle of beer out the fridge.

Then I hear the door open and see Carl walk in.

"Well hello handsome" I say standing up to give him a kiss.

"I'm not in the mood" he says as he pulls away and takes his shoes off.

"What do you mean I wasn't trying to have sex or anything" I say with a slight chuckle.

"Sorry it's just been a long day" he says as he's walking upstairs

"Well don't take your long day out on me. And be quiet the kids are sleeping" I say to him but he just blows me off.

I go and stand next to the door and hear Everliegh laughing. And Carl blowing on her stomach.

Even if me and Carl are arguing, or are just mad at each other, he's still good to Everliegh no matter what. He's the dad to Everliegh he wishes he had growing up.

I walk in and just smile. I sit next to Carl on the bed. He sets Everliegh down in her bed and pulls me down to lay with him

"Do you want to tell me about your long day" I say as I rub his temples.

"Yeah. It's just this job is staring to kind of suck. Because I'm realizing how much those people are like me when I got out of juvie, or even before. And I just feel like that we should be helping the people rather than locking them up. And on top of that, we had a call today about some rich guy and they just let him go. But we had a call for the same exact thing for a homeless person and they locked him up, and I don't think that's fair" he says and I see tears start to form in his eyes.

"Well have you said anything to the Sargent" I say as I wipe the tear from his eye.

"Yeah, she just said 'it's part of the job Gallagher' it's just a fucked up system." He says as he lays on his back.

"Well, I'm sure it will get better. Fuck, if we can find a place somewhere else you probably can change stations" I say as I sit up

"Yeah that's true, I just kinda of want to stay close to everyone" he says as he also sits up.

"Yeah we will see where time takes us" I say as I give him a small peck on the lips.

"Mommy, daddy, I want to lay in your bed" everliegh says standing up

"Ok come here" Carl says as he holds his arms out for her.

He lays her down and tucks her into bed.

She smiles and closes her eyes. Me and Carl slowly and quietly walk out the room.

We walk down stairs and see Kev and V sitting at the table, v has a glass of wine in her hand, and Kev has a beer.

"Y'all have a long day too" Carl says sitting down next to Kev.

"Yep" they both say at the same time.

A/n- Welllll, I couldn't help it, I had to keep the story of Mya and Carl going. Let me know if you have any ideas on where this story should go! I already know how I'm going to end it, but let me know your thoughts!!
Xoxo, Z

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