Their coming

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3 months have gone by since I found out I could possibly die while giving birth. I'm 8 months pregnant now.

I've been put on bed rest, and god, this pregnancy sucks.

Every doctors appointment I get worse and worse news. Now only one of them has a chance of survival, and mine are slim to none.

I'm having a boy and a girl.

Me and Carl have been inseparable, he's with me night and day, it's cute. God I really don't want to leave him.

"Baby you ready" Carl says to me as he opens the door.

"Yeah one second" I say to him as I try and slip my shoe on

"Here I got it" He says and bends down and puts my shoes on for me

I laughs and stand up, we have a doctors appointment today, but I feel like shit.

"You ok" Carl says as we get into the car

"I will be, I just don't really feel good that's all" I say and buckle my seat belt

We arrive to planed parenthood.

"Gallagher" The nurse says and we stand up and follow her

"Ok let's see what going in with these two today" She says and puts the cold gel on my stomach

Carl squeezes my hands, the nurses face goes pale

"Have you been feeling good today" She says in a somewhat claim tone.

"Not really" I say worried

"We need to get you into L&D Like right now" she says and to grab a phone "I'll call an ambulance to come and pick you up, your babies are coming now" The nurse says and hurry's to grad a phone

I start to panic.

"I can't do this Carl, i'm not ready, your not ready. What if I do die. I can't die." I say and start to hyperventilate

"Mya please calm down, take a deep breath ok. Look at me right now and take a deep breath" Carl says and grabs my hands

Suddenly, I feel water start to drip down my leg.

"Fuck my water just broke" I say in a small sob

"Hey, look after this we're going to be parents again. we'll have a beautiful little girl, and handsome little boy. you're going to make it out alive" Carl says and squeezes my hands tighter

Then, the paramedics bust into the room and take me and carl out to the ambulance.

"AH FUCK" I yell as I feel a sharp pain in my stomach

"She's contracting" One of the paramedics says

"We need to check her BP, and oxygen, she's in a high risk" Another one says as they start to hook me up to machines

I start to feel dizzy, and everyone if spinning

"Carl, I feel like i'm going to pass out" I say to him scarily

"Her heart rate is going down. Someone check how dialed she is" The paramedic to my right says

"8 centimeters" The one to my left reply's

"Someone hook her up to oxygen her BP is dropping"

"Mya, look if this doesn't work out, or go as planed. Just know that I love you so much, and I promise to take care of our babies the best that I can" Carl says as he stands by my side.

Then, I feel faint again. Everything around me goes muffled, and everyone looks blurry.

"I love you, forever" I let out then

Beep Beep Beep.

Everything goes black...

Until death we part- Carl Gallagher (book three)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora