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"Hey I was thinking we go over to Fiona's today" I say as I spit out toothpaste

"Yeah me too, I wanna see Franny" Mya says with a smile

"I'll be ready in 5 then" I say and walk into our room

After awhile we both finish getting ready and head over.

"Fiona!" I yell out to the house but she doesn't reply. "Lip" I yell, but nothing.

"Well lip is working" Mya says walking behind me "But Fiona has off today, it's Sunday" She says in a worried tone

"Fi!" I yell as I get upstairs, I walk into her room to find it empty.  "What the fuck" I say and walk in

"She left" Mya says confused

"Yeah I guess so" I say slowly "And I didn't even get to say goodbye"

"Try and text her" Mya says to me as she rubs my back.

"I can't" I say pointing to her phone sitting on the bed side table

"Well shit, it's probably best for her" Mya says trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah it is" I say and crack a slight smile

"We're home" Debbie yells out

We run downstairs and I see Franny and she runs into mya's arms

"Mya!!" She says happily "uncle Carl" she says and jumps out of Mya's arms and into mine

"You know Fi took off" I say to Debbie

"Fuck she really did" Debbie says but surprised

We all hand out for awhile and then me and Mya go home around 5:30.

Mya pov-

I've been doing a lot of thinking. If I don't make it through this birth, I want to leave something for Carl, and the babies. I took a box and put some pictures of me and Carl, the letter he wrote for me the day he asked me out. The ring he got me when he was a wanna be drug lord, and a letter.

"Dear Carl, if you're reading this I didn't make it through birth. Just know I died thinking about you, and i'll be looking down on you. Me and Ev are having the time of our lives up here. You have been nothing but good to me for all of these years. I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that you move on, and find a woman that will love you and our babies as much as I love you. Now I know that it's going to be hard, but you can do it. You're an amazing, handsome, and charming person you're what every girl looks for in a man, and I just got lucky to have you first. If you talk to me i'll listen, i'll be right here next to you, during your every big accomplishment, your small ones. Your good decisions, and your dumb decisions. Look back at this note if you ever miss me, and just know that i'm here, maybe not in person, but in your heart never forget that. I fucking love you and nothing in this entire universe could change my love for you. Take care of my babies, promise me. This isn't goodbye. I'll see you again,  just not in this life. I love you forever Carl Gallagher.
love, Mya"

I close the envelope and put it neatly on top of everything in the box and tuck it away into the closet.

God, i'm dreading this day.

Until death we part- Carl Gallagher (book three)Where stories live. Discover now