House shoping

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It's the next day, Carl had to leave early for work if he wanted to get home at a decent time.

Me, Fi, V, Debbie, and Everliegh all go house shopping.

We pull up to the first house, its a small 3 bedroom house, with 2 bathrooms. It was cute just not what we where looking for.

The next one is on the south side, close to Cashes. It's 2 bedrooms and one bathroom. It was a little... beat up.

"Well it's something definitely" V says as we all stand on the outside of it.

"Yeah I think I'll pass" I say with a slight laugh.

The next one we go to is on the north side, it was big, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. It was very beautiful, but way out of our price range

"That's a shame I like that one" I say as we walk away.

Then finally, the last house we look at, it's on the very edge of the south side. It's 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It's not too big, but not too small. And it's below our price range. It's in a good condition, and in a good area

"I love this one" I say as we walk around

"Look mommy" everliegh says as she points to the fire place

"Yeah this is cool isn't it" I say as I pick her up.

"What do y'all think" I say looking at everyone

"I think it's perfect" Fiona says while smirking at me.

"Yeah me too, it screams Mya and Carl for sure" Debbie says

"If y'all don't get this one I might just have to kick y'all out" V says with a serious look on her face.

"Well then it's settled" I say with a smile across my face "now all we have to do is tell Carl"

Hey baby, I think I found a perfect house
            Really? Where is it?
Right on the edge of the north side and south side
               Okay, I'll go with you to look at it after work.
Sounds good, I love you.
                 Love you too.

I smile and put my phone away.

We get back home and me and Ev both take a long nap.

I wake up to Carl laying down in bed next to me, with no shirt on and just his uniform pants.

"Well hello" I say sitting up and giving him a kiss.

"I'm gonna shower and change then we can go" he says with a smile on his face.

About 30 minutes later Carl is ready and we head out. We leave Everliegh with Kev and V.

Well pull into the house and Carl has a scared look on his face.

"How much is it" he says concerned.

"100,000" I say looking over at him.

"That's it" he says confused

"Yep" I say as I open the door.

We walk in and his eyes light up, we walks around to each room and inspects every little detail.

"I love it" he finally says as we step out of the last room. "That one can be like a bar room, can you imagine, or we can have a pool table there, and like arcade games." He says as he walks back into a room.

"Well what if we want to have another baby" I say looking at him deep in his eyes.

"We're only 21 Mya, not right now. And the other spare room can be a play room for Ev" he says walking closer to me with every word

"Ok fine, but please don't spend all your money on that one room" I say with a laugh

He smirks at me and grabs my hand.

We call the realtor and tell her we want the house.

"Do you want to pay it all in cash right now, or make monthly payments on it" the realtor says as we're all sitting at the kitchen table at the Gallaghers

"All In cash, I have it now" Carl says as he goes to pull out his wallet.

"Ok perfect, you just have to meet with the owners now and sign some stuff and you're good to go" she says with a smile.

She walks out the house and me and Carl start jumping around the kitchen.

"WE'RE BUYING A HOUSE BABY" Carl yells so loud that all of Chicago could probably hear.

"Y'all got approved" lip says as he's walking down stairs

"Fuck yeah we did" I say to him as I run up and give him a hug.

"That's amazing, out of all of the Gallaghers I wouldn't have ever guessed Carl would be the first to move out and buy a house" lip says with a grin across his face

"Oh fuck you" Carl says as he flips him off.

"You do understand that means you'll have to do things on your own though right" Debbie says as she walks down stairs with Franny.

"Oh shit your right" Carl says as the smile wipes off of his face.

"Carl really" I say and look over at him.

"I'm just kidding" he says as he smiles again.

"I need to find a time to meet with the owners. You need to take off tomorrow" I say as I go to walk out of the house.

"Ok I'll call the Sarg and you call the owners" he says as he pulls out his phone.

I call the owners and a lady picks up.

"Hello" she says in a sweet voice

"Hey, it's Mya Gallagher. Me and my husband are interested in buying the house. Just wondering when a good time to meet you will be" I say into the phone

"Oh perfect, tomorrow at noon would be good. We could meet at the house?" She says in a questioning tone

"Yep that's perfect see you then!" I say and hang up.

Then Carl walks up to me with a smile

"I couldn't take the full day off, but she said I could just do a couple hours of night shift." Carl says as he walks up to me

"Well the meeting is at 12, so you could go before and just meet up with us at 12, it should only take a couple hours at most" I say as I rub his cheeks.

"Yeah I'll try" he says walking to Kev and V's

"We should start packing soon also" I say. As we walk through the door

"Guess who got approved for the house" I say as we walk into the kitchen

"No shit!" Kev says as he pulls me and Carl in for a hug.

"Yeah we have go met with the current owners tomorrow, would you mind watching Ev" I say as grab Ev from off the couch.

"Yeah of course" V says with a smile.

I walk upstairs and Carl follows behind me.

"We're going to buy a fucking house tomorrow baby" Carl says has he lays down in bed next to me.

"Fuck yeah we are"

Until death we part- Carl Gallagher (book three)Where stories live. Discover now