Laid off

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Me and Carl wake up the next morning hung over as fuck

"Holy shit, i've never been this hungover" Carl says as he's running his head

"Me either, what the fuck did we drink" I say as I take a sip of coffee. "I think I blacked out because All I remember is dancing and then going to the bathroom" I say as I lay down on the couch

"Yeah me too, and then I remember you giving me a hand job in the car" Carl says while chuckling and then quickly stops and holds his head again.

"You drove home, holy shit" I say while I lay my head in the table "I don't think I can fuck 44 more times, challenge over" I say holding up my hand in surrender

"Yeah me too, We'll have to do it another time. Just all in one sitting" Carl says and gives me a kiss

"Fuck" I say and run to the bathroom and throw up

"You ok" Carl says with a chuckle

"Yep, this happens every time" I say while pulling out toothpaste

"Well, i'm gonna head out. I love you" Carl says as he kisses my forehead.


I dreadfully go to work, to deal with my annoying ass partner.

I pull in and unlock the door for him.

"I call driving Gallagher" he says as he opened the drivers side door

"No, it's my car. I'm driving" I say to him and shut the door.

"Why so moody kid" Author says as he gets in the car

"I'm just tired" I say and pull out

"Something up, I can tell. Just tell me" He says annoyingly

"Fine you really wanna know here it is" I say and slam on the breaks "My 2 year old daughter just died, she overdosed on coke. My wife's dad kidnapped her and make her do it, and i feel like it's all my fault. Maybe if I had an extra lock on the door, or if my bedroom was down stairs I could have stopped my bipolar brother from taking her. Oh yeah it wasn't even my wife's crazy dad. It was my own brother who took her. I had to sit in the back of the ambulance watching my daughter die, while also watching my wife's heart shatter into pieces. I've been feeling like shit all the time, I still have to come to work every fucking day. I don't want to tell Mya because she's just now starting to feel better. I had a picture perfect life. I was the first Gallagher to have a real job, a wife, and a kid and not have a fucked up life. But if corse someone had to fuck it up for me. My life was great. A smoking hot wife, a beautiful daughter, a nice house, a good job. And now I just feel like everything is shattered into pieces. And I want to help Mya feel better but I don't even know how to help myself feel better. And on top of all of that, i'm hungover as shit" I say in what all feels like one breath.

"wow, that was a lot to take in" Author says

"You don't have to say anything, it was just good to get it off of my chest" I say pulling out of the parking lot.

"Why don't you take the day off" Author says

"I need money, Bills won't pay themselves" I say staring at the road

then my phone rings

"Yo" I say into the phone

"Hey Gallagher, come back I need to speak to you" The Sargent says

I sigh and turn around.

I lightly knock on his office door.

"come in" He says, and I do so.

"Sit" he says and points to a chair "So, I've been thinking. You've had a lot on your mind. I'm going ti lay you off for a month, just until you and your wife handle everything. You'll still get payed weekly, and i'm still going to give you the hours." He says as he hands me a paper. "you can come back on the 5th. See ya around Gallagher" He says and smiles

I sigh and walk out of the room. Thank god i'm still getting payed, but I love my job, I don't want to be laid off

I get back to my car to find it empty. I dreadfully drive home.

What am I going to tell Mya, what am I going to do with myself for a whole month.

Yes I have Mya, don't get me wrong. But work has been the only thing to keep me sane and not think about Ev.

I walk into the door and find Mya on the couch watching TV

"You're home really early" She says as I sit down next to her

"Yeah about that" I say and lay down next to her "the sarg decided i needed 'a break to handle everything' So he sent me home. For a month" I say annoyed

"Oh god i'm so sorry" She says and hugs me "Do you want to to get a job, to you know help with bills and shit" she says sitting up.

"No, no it's fine. He's still going ti be paying me. I just won't be at work" I say and go into the kitchen

"Oh ok. I was thinking, we should probably start planing Ev's funeral" Mya says following behind me into the kitchen

"Yeah, good idea. I mean she's been sitting in the morgue for like 3 weeks" I says and swallow

"Yeah, not something I want to picture" Mya says staring blankly.

"But for now, let's just relax. Enjoy each other's company" I say and pull her to go upstairs.

"Oh i'm going to enjoy your company alright" She says and closes the door and slams me on the bed...

A/n- Soooo, I'm sorry it keeps marking the book as complete. I have no clue why it keeps doing that, because it most certainly isn't lol. Anywaysssssss. How do you guys like it so far!?

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