I dont care

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It's been a month since I found out I was pregnant. Carl has gone back to work, and i've been staying home, and hanging out with the Gallaghers, and Kev and V.

We told everyone about 2 weeks ago that I'm pregnant. They where all happy for us.

I have an ultrasound appointment today, Carl is going to go with me.

"Im home" Carl yells out to the house.

"Just in time" I say grabbing my wallet off the counter.

Carl walks over to me and places him left hand on my stomach, and one on my cheek and gives me a kiss. "Ready" He says and pulls away.

"Yep" I say with a smile

We get in the car, Carl tells me some of his funny work story's. And I listen and laugh.

Finally we get there, and they take us back.

"Oh Mrs. Gallagher, lift up your shirt for me please." The lady says and places the cold gel on my stomach.

"Hum?" She says in a questioning tone

"What's wrong" I say and get worried

"Well there looks like 2 little ones in there" She says with a smile, "But we're going to need to run some tests. This could be a high risk pregnancy. For you, and the babies"

"Did I hear that right... Two??" Carl says with a concerning face

"Yep, now if you'll follow me. We need to do some blood work, and ask you some questions" The doctor says to me.

"Shit, ok" I say and follow her with Carl closely behind me.

"Ok just sit in here and i'll be back shortly" she says and walks out the room.

"Two babies fuck. I didn't know twins ran in my family" I say as I stare off.

"Well, nothing we can do now." Carl says grabbing my hand.

I smile at him and then hear a knock on the door

"Ok i'm just going to take you to do some test" She says

about 2 hours pass and we finish and finally get the results back.

"Well, this in fact will be a high risk pregnancy. Which means that either you, or one of the babies have a high risk of dying during the birthing process" She says with a clearly sorry look.

I sigh and Carl starts to tear up.

"But you have a 10% chance of all of you surviving. So it's not impossible" She says to us.

We head out and drive home.

"Are you going to follow through" Carl says

"Yes. I don't care if I die, I want nothing more then to have them." I say to Carl, still shocked about everything

"You won't die" Carl says trying to reassure me

"You're only 10% sure of that" I say looking at him with a sarcastic smile.

Until death we part- Carl Gallagher (book three)Where stories live. Discover now