Man in red

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You ran down your street and into your house. You shivered from getting wet from the rain.

 "It's storming tonight." You said, taking off your rain jacket.

"What a lovely smell. Let me have a taste of your blood." A voice said, from behind you. You spun around and saw a man with brown hair, red eyes, and street clothes. Your aura became dark as your bangs covered one eye. Your eyes turned red as you said,

 "Filthy vampire. I hate the likes of you." You aimed a gun at his head. A man with red glasses, a red hat, red cloak, red eyes, and fangs shot the vampire with a special gun. He looked at you and said,

 "How do you know about such things, human girl?" You smirked and said,

 "Who ever said I was human?" This man in red smirked and approached you saying,

 "My name is Alucard. What is your name, girl?" You looked I'm up and down, saying,

 "(Last/Name), (First/Name) (Last/Name). So, you're the Hellsing organization's vampire. One of them at least. I've heard many things about you. Not all good, but still many things none the less." Alucard chuckled and said,

 "Well, girl, let's take you to Sir Integra. Shall we?" You nodded and jumped a bit as he threw you over his shoulder.

It's been too long (Alucard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now