Police girl

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You were sitting with your room and you heard Sir Integra summon you. You teleported into her office and said,

 "Sir Integra?" She looked at you and said,

 "We are leaving to meet Alucard." You bowed and said,

 "Of course. I shall prepare the helicopter."

"There is no need Walter is already preparing the copter." Sir Interga said, stopping you. You nodded and glanced at her. Walter walked into the study and said,

"Ah, (Your/Name). I was about to see if Sir Integra wanted me to go get you." You looked at him and said,

"She called for me." Walter nodded and said,

"Excellent. The helicopter is ready, Sir." Sir Integra stood from her desk and said,

"Come along, (Your/Name). Walter take a break for awhile." You followed Sir Integra and Walter said,

"Thank you for the thought, Sir. But I could never." You chuckled as Sir Integra waked out to the copter. You sat across from her and she said,

 "Be prepared to protect me at all costs." You nodded.

Time skip

You saw Alucard walking towards you and Sir Integra with someone in his arms. He reported to Sir Integra and she looked at the girl in his arms and said,

 "I'll have someone take care of that." Alucard looked at the girl and said,

"No, I'd like the police girl to be put into the Hellsing organization." Sir Integra glared at Alucard and said,

"That is not your decision to make." You smirked as Sir Integra walked off without another word. You looked at Alucard and said,

"The police girl, huh? Heh. Interesting."

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