My Mistake

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You were laying with Alucard and he was stroking your hair. You had stopped crying and you just laid with him, in silence.

"Alucard, why do you love me?" You asked, looking up at him. He looked at you and said,

"What's there not to love?" You blushed and said,

"If you knew what I was, you wouldn't love me." Alucard looked down at you and said,

"I doubt that."  You shook your head and you got up, staying quiet. You walked into the kitchen and you sat down at the table. You looked into his eyes and said,

"I'm a vampire."

"Why would I hate you for being what I am?" 

Your POV

"I'm the vampire that was created to be your mate." His eyes widened and he pulled himself away from me, saying,

"It can't be true." 

"But it is." 

"Two mates are supposed to mate, then, move on." He looked at me and said,

"But I don't wanna do that...I want to marry you, to have a family with you, to be with you. I don't want to move on."

"It was my mistake for telling you." I said, going to walk out of my room. Alucard stopped me and said,

"No, I won't. I won't just abandon you!" I looked at him wide eyed and said, 


"Two mates grow up together, fall in love together, then they leave each other, only to find each other later, mate, and move on. Well, I'm not moving on..I want you and you only. It was my mistake for letting you leave the first time." I wrapped my arms around his upper torso and said,

"Oh Alucard." 

It's been too long (Alucard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now