Love (FINAL)

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We were out on the town and (Y/N)'s eyes were up to the night sky. Her hair was down and she seemed distracted at last. 

'Is this love?'

"Alucard, you're staring. What's wrong?" 

"Nothing is wrong. You're just amazing." 

Her face became red and I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She nuzzled her cheek into my hand and I smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to her mouth. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. 

Pulling away from her, I leaned my forehead against her own and sighed,

"I think I'm in love with you." 

"Alucard?" (Y/N) called, looking into my eyes and I hummed, as she continued,

"We have these feelings due to our connected destinies and I'm not sure-"

"(Y/N), I'm not feeling simply the primal instinct to mate with you. I look at you and I see a dark queen who should be at my side until the end of time." I interrupted her, caressing her cheek and she smiled, nodding. 

"I think I love you too."

Three Months Later

(Y/N) was in the other room and I was talking to Sir Integra about moving to a new location. I could feel some distress in (Y/N)'s aura and I looked at the door, making Sir Integra sigh,

"Something is wrong with (Y/N)?"

"I. . .Uh. . .I don't know. We can finish up here, Sir Integra." I replied, looking back to her and she rubbed her temple, countering,

"No, go to her. I need a break and I can't have you being distracted. We can meet back up in an hour."

"Alright. See you then, Sir." I concluded, morphing through the shadows and finding (Y/N) in our room. She was sitting on the bed and her head was in her heads, she hadn't noticed my presence. Stepping out of the shadows, I knelt down in front of her and asked,

"What's wrong, my love?" Her eyes met mine and a few tears slipped out, making my heart ache. (Y/N)'s arms wrapped around my neck and she sighed, starting,

"I have something to tell you." Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hugged her to the best of my ability in the position we were in, replying,

"So, I see."

"I'm pregnant."

". . ."


"You're serious, right?"


"Marry me."


"Marry me, (Y/N)."

". . .Okay." 

Two Years Later

"(Child Name)! Alucard! Come on, we have a meeting with Sir Integra!" (Y/N) called up to me and our son. He sighed and I ruffled his hair, instructing,

"Come on."

"But dad, Sir Integra is scary." He protested, pouting and I sighed, 

"She isn't that bad, come on. Besides, you don't want to see your mother angry."

"Boys!" (Y/N)'s voice came up and I could hear the annoyance seeping into her voice. 

"We're coming, sweetheart!" I called back, giving (C/N) a look that made him get ready in a flash. He gained my speed and (Y/N)'s intuition. Though his development is faster, his fangs had et to show and he was still able to eat human food, though he said it tasted of charcoal. 

Getting downstairs, (Y/N) was at the bottom of the stairs with her hands on her hips and a look of annoyance adorning her beautiful features. 

"Sorry. He was complaining." I informed her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek and (C/N) groaned, 

"I wasn't complaining!"

"I'm sure, darling." (Y/N) sighed, rolling her eyes and grabbing her purse, shooing us out of the house. 

Getting to the manor, (C/N) had his hands shoved into his pockets and (Y/N) was trying to make him look presentable. 

Smiling at them, I knocked on the front door and Walter opened the door, greeting us,

"Ah. Miss (Y/N), Alucard, and Young (C/N). Sir Integra is waiting on you all." He lead us into the dining room and (Y/N) rubbed her temple, apologizing,

"Sir Integra, I'm so sorry. The boys-"

"It's alright, (Y/N). I know having to wrangle your husband and his son must be a difficult task." Sir Integra interrupted, her eyes raking over my wife and I appeared next to her, making Sir Integra smirk. 

"Welcome back, Alucard."

"Sir Integra. Please stop undressing my wife with your eyes." I commented, wrapping an arm around (Y/N)'s waist and (C/N) groaned, 

"Can we get this over with?"

"Just as always. Ready to leave, (C/N)."

"It's nothing personal, Sir Integra."

"Oi! Don't be so rude, (C/N)!" (Y/N) fussed, pinching his cheek and making him groan. Chuckling, I sighed and sat down, watching (Y/N) happily.

Thirty Years Later

(Y/N) and I were sitting at home, waiting for the sun to set. We had date night tonight and (Y/N) was excited to get out of the house. She stayed home most nights, not by force, simply because it was simpler than leaving and dealing with humans. 

"Alucard?" (Y/N) called, making me look at her and she pressed a soft kiss to my mouth. Kissing her back, I smiled and she pulled away,

"I love you."

"I love you too, darling." I replied, smiling. 

"Forever, right?"


'We belong together. Now and forever. I love her and I have not been a happier man.'

"I love you." 

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