Trying (Short Chapter)

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I was walking around the manor and I could feel eyes on me. Sighing, I stopped and called into the darkness, 

"You know, I can sense you too. Alucard." He hummed and came into my view, wrapping his arms around my waist. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I rolled my eyes and he smirked, replying,

"It's no fun when you can sense me too." Looking up at him, I shook my head and asked,

"Shouldn't you be at the ball that she's holding upstairs?"

"Shouldn't you be?" He countered, raising a brow and making me sigh. He waved a hand and I was in a stunning black and red dress, as he continued,

"Let's go together. Shall we, my love?" He held a hand out to me and I sighed, replying,

"Fine. Only for a little while." Pulling my hair back, I took his arm and we went upstairs, talking softly. When we got upstairs, all eyes were on us and I looked at Alucard, whispering,

"They're staring at us."

"Trust me, doll. They're staring at you." He replied, making me blush and clear my throat. He pulled me to the dance floor and placed a hand on my waist, looking at the band. They started to play a slow song and we started to dance, everyone else following suit. Alucard was looking down at me and he started,

"You know, we could try to be together."


"I'm just saying, (Y/N)."

"We've talked about this already-"

"(Y/N), you could be my queen in the darkness."

"We already know what being mates means-"

"We don't have to rush into things like you said."

"Please Alucard, you ar-"

"(Y/N), all I'm asking is a chance." 



"Fine, we can give it a try."


"But if you try that male vampire. Possessive bullshit with me. I'm not dealing with it." 

"Yes, ma'am. Can we go on a date tomorrow?"


He smiled down at me and hummed, happily. Rolling my eyes, I rested my head on his chest and we swayed, slowly. 


A/N: I know it's been forever! I'm so sorry. I wish I had a good excuse, but I don't. I'm gonna try to keep up weekly updates, but I can't promise anything. Again, I'm sooooo sorry. See you guys hopefully, again next week with a longer update. ~Megan

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