Sir Integra?

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You stood in the shadows next to Sir Integra and she said,

 "(Y/N), why do you hide yourself?" You looked at her and said,

"Because I would like to watch over you in the shadows. I want to be unseen and unheard. Do you understand?" She looked at you and sighed. She stood from her chair and pulled you, by your coat, from the shadows and said,

"I'd prefer you to stand in the sunlight. If you don't mind." You chuckled and said,

"Interesting. Of course, Sir Integra." You stood in the sunlight and you gazed out the window. You saw Sir Integra stare at you for a short period of time before you looked at her and said,

"You have work. Do not get distracted by me." She looked at you and scowled. You chuckled and said,

"Smile every now and again. You'll look beautiful." She got up and said,

"I do not need to look beautiful for anyone!" You smirked and she growled,

"Why does it matter to you anyway?!?" You looked her in the eyes and said,

"You're different from other humans. I would like to see your true smile one day." Sir Integra walked up to you and grabbed you by the collar. Your eyes widened as she kissed you, her face becoming a deep shade of red. She pulled away from you and you said,

"S-Sir Integra?" She shook her head and said,

"Quiet girl. Don't say anything. You've been teasing me, I do not like to be teased. make me feel things I haven't felt in the longest time. I don't know if I should enjoy the feeling or if I should hate it. I-" You wrapped your arms around her waist and kissed her. She kissed back, but her eyes were still wide. You pulled away from her and said,

"You have a crush on me, Sir Integra." You giggled and said,

"It's cute." She blushed and said,

"Shut up! And don't call me, 'Sir Integra'. Call me by my first name." You looked at her and said,

"I could never. You're my master... it would be disrespectful." She grabbed your collar and brought your face closer to her own as she said,

"I do not care." You blushed as she grabbed your hand and pulled you over to her desk. She sat down and worked as you stood behind her and sighed, saying,

"You're something else, Integra." She looked at you and smiled. You laughed and lifted her chin. So, she was looking at you as you said,

"There it is."

Alucard's POV

I watched as my master kissed (Y/N). I growled and saw how wide the girl's eyes were. Her and Sir Integra spoke like they were lovers. I was disgusted.

"I don't think I'll be able to look at Sir Integra the same ever again." I said, as (Y/N) lifted her chin and said,

"There it is." I huffed and walked to my room. I growled and punched a wall, breaking it.

"Why does that girl have feelings for Sir Integra, but not for me?" I said, sitting down on my bed. In the darkness of the room someone said,

"Maybe it's because you are a monster." I looked around and saw nothing, even in the darkness, I saw nothing. I growled and said,

"I won't lose her to you master."

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