Part One

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We see a small, broken down room with rubble and debris scattered everywhere. A lone figure, a young human named FRISK, is seen picking their way through the rubble.

FRISK: (to themselves) I can't believe I'm actually here. The Underground... I never thought I'd make it this far.

Suddenly, Frisk hears a faint noise behind them. They turn to see a group of MONSTERS emerging from the shadows.

LEADER MONSTER: (threateningly) Well, well, what do we have here? A human, trespassing in our home? You should know better than to come down here.

FRISK: (nervously) I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I'll leave right away.

LEADER MONSTER: (laughs) Oh no, it's too late for that. You've seen too much. We can't let you leave alive.

Frisk's eyes widen in fear as the monsters close in on them. Just as they're about to attack, a loud noise interrupts them.

TORIEL: (offscreen) Enough! What is the meaning of this violence?

The monsters turn to see TORIEL, a kind and maternal goat monster, standing in the doorway.

TORIEL: (to the monsters) Have you no shame? Attacking a defenseless human? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

LEADER MONSTER: (sullenly) Y-yes, Toriel. We're sorry. We won't do it again.

TORIEL: (firmly) See that you don't. Now leave this child be and go about your business.

The monsters sheepishly retreat, leaving Frisk and Toriel alone.

TORIEL: (to Frisk) Are you alright, child?

FRISK: (relieved) Y-yes, thank you. Thank you so much for saving me.

TORIEL: (kindly) It was the least I could do. Now come, let me show you around. You'll be safe with me.

Frisk follows Toriel out of the ruined room, leaving their harrowing encounter behind. The scene fades to black as they walk down a dark tunnel, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the silence.

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