Part 5

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Frisk is seen practicing their magic spells, now much more confident and skilled. Toriel watches proudly.

TORIEL: (proudly) Excellent work, Frisk. You've come a long way.

FRISK: (smiling) Thanks to you, Toriel. I couldn't have done it without your help.

TORIEL: (smiling) It was my pleasure, Frisk. But now it's time for you to put your skills to the test.

FRISK: (eagerly) What do you mean, Toriel?

TORIEL: (excitedly) It's time for you to face the final challenge. The challenge that will determine whether you are ready to become a monster or not.

FRISK: (nervously) What kind of challenge?

TORIEL: (mysteriously) You'll find out soon enough. But be warned, Frisk. It won't be easy. Are you ready to face it?

FRISK: (determinedly) Yes, Toriel. I'm ready.

TORIEL: (nods) Very well. Then let's begin.

The scene fades to black as Frisk and Toriel set off on their final challenge.

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