Part 7

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Frisk is seen packing their belongings as Toriel watches sadly.

TORIEL: (to Frisk) I can't believe it's time for you to go already. It seems like only yesterday that you arrived in the Underground.

FRISK: (sadly) I know, Toriel. I never thought I'd have to leave. But now that I'm a monster, I have to find a way back home.

TORIEL: (nodding) I understand, Frisk. And I'll do everything in my power to help you. But be warned, the journey back to the surface won't be easy. There are many dangers and challenges ahead.

FRISK: (determinedly) I know, Toriel. But I have to try. I have to find a way back home.

TORIEL: (smiling) I know you will, Frisk. You are a strong and capable monster now. You can overcome any obstacle.

Frisk finishes packing and turns to Toriel, ready to set off on their journey.

FRISK: (to Toriel) Thank you, Toriel. Thank you for everything. I'll never forget you.

TORIEL: (smiling) And I'll never forget you, Frisk. You will always be a special part of my life. Now go, and may your journey be safe and successful.

Frisk nods and sets off, leaving Toriel behind as they embark on their journey back to the surface. The scene fades to black as they walk down a dark tunnel, their footsteps echoing in the silence.

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