Part 4

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Frisk is seen sitting at a table, studying a book as Toriel watches over them.

TORIEL: (to Frisk) How are you progressing, Frisk?

FRISK: (frustrated) It's hard, Toriel. I don't understand this magic stuff. It's so complicated.

TORIEL: (gently) Don't worry, Frisk. It takes time to learn magic. Just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it.

FRISK: (sighs) I hope so. I just want to become a monster as soon as possible.

TORIEL: (gently) Frisk, becoming a monster is not just about gaining powers. It's about understanding and accepting who you are. It's a journey of self-discovery.

FRISK: (thoughtfully) I see what you mean, Toriel. I guess I just have to keep working at it.

TORIEL: (nods) That's the spirit, Frisk. And remember, you don't have to do it alone. I'm here to help you every step of the way.

Frisk smiles at Toriel and returns to their studies. The scene fades to black as they continue to learn and grow.

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