Part 3

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Frisk is seen training with Toriel, practicing their magic spells and physical combat skills.

TORIEL: (proudly) Very good, Frisk. Your skills are improving every day.

FRISK: (panting) Thanks, Toriel. But I still have a long way to go.

TORIEL: (encouragingly) Don't worry, Frisk. It takes time to become a true monster. But I have no doubt you'll get there.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupts their training. Frisk and Toriel turn to see a group of monsters approaching them.

LEADER MONSTER: (menacingly) Well, well, if it isn't the traitor Toriel. And she's brought a human with her. How disgustingly kind of you.

TORIEL: (firmly) Leave us be, monster. We mean you no harm.

LEADER MONSTER: (sneering) Oh, we'll leave all right. But not before we teach you a lesson.

The monsters attack, and Frisk and Toriel are forced to defend themselves. Despite their training, they are outnumbered and outmatched. Just as they're about to be overpowered, a loud noise interrupts the fight.

ASGORE: (offscreen) Enough! What is the meaning of this violence?

The monsters turn to see ASGORE, the king of the monsters, standing in the doorway.

ASGORE: (to the monsters) Have you no shame? Attacking your own kind? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

LEADER MONSTER: (cowed) Y-yes, Asgore. We're sorry. We won't do it again.

ASGORE: (firmly) See that you don't. And as for you, Toriel... (sighs) I understand your desire to protect the human, but you must realize that it's not safe for them here. They must leave the Underground as soon as possible.

TORIEL: (sadly) I understand, Asgore. But Frisk is determined to become a monster. They won't leave until they've achieved it.

ASGORE: (thoughtfully) I see. Very well, then. I'll allow Frisk to continue their training. But be warned, Frisk. The path to becoming a monster is not an easy one. Are you prepared for that?

FRISK: (nods) Yes, Asgore. I'm ready.

ASGORE: (nods) Very well. Then let's continue your training.

The scene fades to black as Frisk and Toriel stand with Asgore, ready to continue Frisk's journey to become a monster.

(Also yes i know that this is basically episode 1 but trust me AI is weird and it gets a lot better.)

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