Part 8

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Frisk is seen standing in front of the Barrier, the magical barrier separating the Underground from the surface world.

FRISK: (to themselves) This is it. The moment I've been waiting for. Time to find a way back home.

Frisk begins to search for a way to break the Barrier, using all of their magic and combat skills to defeat the monsters guarding it.

As they get closer to breaking the Barrier, they are confronted by ASGORE, the king of the monsters.

ASGORE: (to Frisk) So, you've come to break the Barrier, have you? Do you really think you're strong enough to defeat me?

FRISK: (determinedly) I have to try, Asgore. I have to find a way back home.

ASGORE: (sighs) I understand, Frisk. And I respect your determination. But you must understand, the Barrier is in place for a reason. It protects us from the dangers of the outside world.

FRISK: (pleading) But I have to go back. I have to see my family and friends again. Please, Asgore. You have to let me go.

ASGORE: (thoughtfully) Very well, Frisk. If it means that much to you, I'll let you go. But be warned, the journey back to the surface will not be easy. Are you prepared for that?

FRISK: (nods) Yes, Asgore. I'm ready.

ASGORE: (nods) Very well. Then go, Frisk. May your journey be safe and successful.

Frisk nods and breaks the Barrier, finally finding their way back home. The scene fades to black as they step through the barrier, ready to make ends meet.   


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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