Part 6

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Frisk and Toriel enter a large, dark room filled with traps and obstacles.

TORIEL: (to Frisk) This is it, Frisk. The final challenge. Are you ready?

FRISK: (nervously) As ready as I'll ever be.

TORIEL: (encouragingly) Don't worry, Frisk. I'll be right here with you. Just stay focused and use your skills. You can do this.

Frisk nods and takes a deep breath as they begin to navigate the room. They use their magic and combat skills to avoid the traps and defeat the monsters that stand in their way.

As they near the end of the room, they come face to face with the final obstacle: a powerful monster known as ASRIEL.

ASRIEL: (threateningly) So, you think you're ready to become a monster, do you? We'll see about that.

Frisk and Asriel engage in a fierce battle, with Frisk using all of their skills and determination to hold their own. Just when it seems like Frisk is about to be overpowered, they manage to land a final blow, defeating Asriel and completing the challenge.

TORIEL: (proudly) Frisk, you did it! You've proven that you have what it takes to become a monster.

FRISK: (exhausted but happy) I did it... I can't believe it.

TORIEL: (smiling) Believe it, Frisk. You are a true monster now.

The scene fades to black as Frisk and Toriel celebrate their victory.

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