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   *Prologue! This is a sneak peek!*

   My feet prod along the dampened ground, leaving a muddy trail in my wake. I slow down to a stop and stare around at my surroundings. Water drops drip onto my muzzle and I shake them off with a growl. My eye catches a quick motion to the right. My head snaps towards it and I immediately run towards the now retreating figure. I notice that it is running away so I begin the chase. My leg muscles push against the floor, quickly letting me catch up to the petty prey. I bound on top of it and pin it down. I take a quick overview of my prey. It is just shorter than my length, but much scrawnier, but not scrawny enough not to make a good meal. I snarl and sink my claws into the abdomen of my prey. The prey lets out a pained yelp. I react to the noise and pull my claws across its abdomen as my eyes dart to its eyes. My breath hitches and my body stops all movement. I don’t dare breath or move. I see crystal blue eyes, ones that only a human could possess. My humanly emotions push against the wolf’s instincts and I whimper and bound off of the person.

    The person’s eyes never leave mine as he cautiously and painfully stands up. Every ounce of my human nature urges me to morph, help him, and apologize. My instincts, however, keep me still in my spot and watching his movements. He rises and is almost in a full standing position before he collapses back into the ground. I yelp out of guilt and pity. My emotions become overbearing and I spin on my paws and dart away back home before I change to help him.

    I barely make it to the edge of the woods behind my home before my body tightens and pain radiates through my body. I close my eyes tightly until it is over and I know the transformation back to human is complete. I shakily stand up and run into my home. My emotions and my instincts begin to battle between themselves as I debate going back to help the boy I injured. I let out an angry and frustrated scream before throwing the table across the room. A small crack appears on it and I let out another scream. I angrily kick it and the crack spreads to almost the other side. An image of the bloody gash I caused rings into my mind and I collapse onto the floor in sobs. Why am I such a monster? 

KILLER (One Direction/Werewolf)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora