Chapter Nine: Kiss and Tell

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I sink down the wall in the bathroom, not caring if I'm late to class anymore. In fact, I don’t care if I even go today. I stare at the white ceiling with no motivation to get up. That is, until I hear footsteps. My senses perk up, for some odd reason. My curiosity gets the best of me as I step out of the bathroom and come face-to-face with none other than the source of my problems.

    “Louis? You followed me?!?” I ask. He blushes slightly.

    “I-I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He admits. I take a deep breath.

    “I’m fine.” I snap. He looks taken aback. I sigh. “Sorry” I mutter. He stands up taller.

    “Well, umm, class is almost over so… Do you wanna just skip?” he asks.

    “Well, the question is, do you? There is no way you could drag me back into that classroom.” I joke, trying to lighten the air. He chuckles.

    “Then, let’s go! It’s the last class, anyhow! Just, don’t tell Liam.” He says with a wink. I allow a little smirk to play on my face. He grabs my hand to pull me along. This sends my instincts and emotions into a flurry that translates into me tensing at first but slowly relaxing and following him. We sneak out to the front of the school and to the sidewalk. Once we get there, I let go of his hand and stuff mine into my pocket.

    “Where are we going?” I ask.

    “Umm, oh! There’s this amazing ice cream parlor right down here! Let’s go there!” He says excitedly. Normally, I would never even go near a ‘sweet.’ Sugary is not part of my diet. But, it seemed to make him happy, and that made him smile. I guess it’s part of the whole mate package, but when he smiles it always makes me want to claim him right then to insure that no one will ever mess with him ever again.

    “Sure” I say. He smiles and giddily begins walking in the direction of the parlor. I follow next to him.

    “So, umm, I feel like I don’t know you particularly well. What do you say we play a game of 20 questions?” He asks. I shrug. “Okay, I’ll start. Favorite band?”

    “Band?” I furrow my eyebrows. “I don’t really listen to music.”

    “Oh.” He says. “Okay, then… um, first kiss?”

    “Never had one.” I say monotonously.

    “Oh. Err, what about your family?” He asks, noticeably struggling to find a question. My breath hitches.

    “Uh, they’re all… d-dead.” I stutter. This is the only subject I’ve ever been nervous about. I’m usually pretty sure of myself.

    “I’m so sorry.” He says with sympathy oozing from his voice. I stiffen. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is sympathy. I grit my teeth together, trying to keep control of myself.

    “Don’t bother. No one can change it.” I say harshly. I stare at the ground for a few moments and he dares not utter a peep. I glance up at his face and immediately start hating myself. I scared him again!

“Sorry” I say with a sigh. He settles down a little.

“Um, okay. Why didn’t you answer either of my questions earlier?” He asks. I stop walking. I bite my lip.

    “What questions?” I ask, trying to play it off.

    “Why were you in the woods and why can’t you tell me what you’re hiding.” He says straight-forwardly.

    “I-I can’t answer them.” I say.

    “Why not? You can trust me…” He says.

KILLER (One Direction/Werewolf)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora