Chapter Four: Suspense

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I wake up in the morning and lift myself out of bed. I begin to get ready for school, but it occurs to me that it is an off-day.  I drop my brush and run out to the woods immediately. As much as I hate my instincts and the killing that comes with being a wolf, I could never deny the feeling of freedom that being a wolf brought. I shift into my wolf and speed through the woods at full speed. The wind whips through my fur.

*Louis’ POV*

 I wake up to the sun shining brightly through my bedroom window and let out a little groan. I instantly brighten up as yesterday’s happenings return to me. I don’t know why, but something just draws me towards this wolf. I know I shouldn’t go to the woods. It’s dangerous and Liam would murder me if he knew where I went, but something made me want to return to the wolf. I can’t explain it, but it is why I have put on shoes and am currently walking out the door.

    “Louis!” Someone calls. I turn around to see Liam. Of course…

    “Yeah, mate?”

    “Where are you going?” He asks protectively.

    “Just out for a walk.” I say, conveniently leaving out ‘through the woods looking for a dangerous, meat-eating predator.’ He nods hesitantly and lets me leave. I run through the woods, looking for the same spot I’d seen the wolf the other two times. My legs begin to tire so I slow to a steady walk. Out of nowhere, I hear a loud bang and a howl in pain. My face drops and I sprint to where the howl came from. After several minutes of looking, I finally find the black-furred wolf lying on the grass. Thick red liquid pours from a wound through its leg. Luckily, it’s not fatal, but it could be if it’s not treated properly.

    I kneel down and its eyes fixate on me as it whimpers in pain. I examine the wolf in front of me and come to the awful conclusion that I couldn’t carry it back to a vet if I tried. I decide to do all that I can and just hope for the best. I tear off my shirt and lay it gently on the wound, doing my best to make it act as a sort of bandage. It growls the moment that my shirt touches its wounded area, but quickly lays its head back down. I take my free hand and lay it gently on its fur in an attempt to soothe the wolf. It tenses at first but relaxes soon enough. I gently stroke its soft fur and listen to its labored breaths until they stop altogether. My throat chokes up and I bite my lip, trying not to cry. Tears begin to trail down my face as I realize that this is it, it is dead. I remove my shirt from its wound and my tears splash at it.

    I squint my eyes closed, refusing to look at it anymore. The tears spill over my face. A small whimper penetrates the silence and I tear open my eyes. I am greeted by dark grey ones looking back at me. I gasp in shock and look back to where the wound was. In its place is a scar. My face changes into a wide smile as the creature stands to its full height, now towering over me.

    I then remember that this isn’t some house dog, it’s a wolf. I shuffle backwards as the wolf approaches. I hit a tree and can’t retreat any further. It approaches my face and huffs against my ear. My heartbeat quickens and I quickly murmur a little prayer. Just as I think my end has come, the animal turns and sprints away, leaving me confused and relieved.    

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