Chapter Five: Promises

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*Juliet’s POV*

I wake up at the crack of dawn, not remembering anything of yesterday. I sigh, a little angry at the fact that I don’t remember. I huff and get ready for school quickly, avoiding looking in the mirror at those same dark killer eyes.

    I sprint to the school and straight to my locker, grabbing the books needed for the first class. I keep my head down to block out the muttering around me mainly about how I attacked the school bully. I walk the well-known route to the classroom until a pair of red converse blocks my path. I look up to see the crystal blue eyes of the boy that causes so much of my confusion. He smiles at me.

    “Hi Juliet! Will you walk to class with me?” He asks smiling. I shrug. I wonder, what’s got him in such a peppy mood? He walks/skips beside me on the way to the classroom. I keep my eyes on the floor as my emotions and instincts bicker in my mind about what I should be doing.

    We walk up to the door and walk inside. I walk straight to my desk and sit down. Louis follows me and sits in the desk to the left of mine. The other boys that were introduced with Louis soon arrive in one group and take the desks that surround Louis and I. Liam, as I recall his name to be, takes the desk to my right and immediately turns to me to attempt to make conversation.

    “Hello, love. I’m Liam. You’re Louis’ friend, right? Juliet, if I'm not mistaken?” He asks. I nod.

    The blonde boy in front of me turns around.

    “Oh, so you’re Juliet? Lou never stops talking about you! I’m Niall, by the way.” His Irish accent rings out. I nod and glance over at Louis, who is blushing slightly. Harry turns around in his desk in front of Louis.

    “Hey Juliet! The offer still stands today, if you’re up for it.” He states.

    “Maybe.” I respond. He and Louis break into wide grins.

    “She speaks!” Another boy proclaims from the desk in front of Liam. I look at him. “Oh, sorry. I’m Zayn.”

    I nod again and the teacher whacks her pointer against the board. The teacher begins to drone on and I attempt to focus. My ears perk at the sound of paper ripping and then a pencil moving on a desk nearby. The paper slides across a desk and comes closer and closer to mine. I glance down at my desk and notice a piece of paper that says my name. I open it up and read it.

    ‘Eat lunch with us?-Louis’

    I sigh and grab my pencil, sneakily writing on the paper.


    I place it on Louis’ desk and he subtly opens it. He writes something and hands it back to me.

    ‘But you never did last time!’

    I silently sigh again and scribble out an answer and place it on Louis’ desk once again.


    He reads it and smiles at me.  

    The bell rings, signaling it is time for lunch. I make my way out and down the hallway. I stop at my locker and drop off my books. I walk down to the cafeteria. Along the way, my eye catches on the same bully who was beating up Louis the other day. Our eyes lock for a moment and he backs away from the nerd he was approaching. He scampers away with his friends as a low growl sounds in my throat.

    He has been marked as my prey. My wolf wants to attack him. Every ounce of my blood boils to rip him apart. My eyes narrow to slits at his retreating figure. I take a step in the direction he ran, but my human emotions flood me, reminding me of the aftermath of killing a human. Cold reaches from the bottom of my feet to the tips of my fingers. My face flushes and I turn away quickly, continuing my journey to the cafeteria.

    I walk into the noisy area, immediately feeling the presence of several bodies and hearing every noise that sounds and echoes through the room. A pain ripples through my forehead, creating a migraine. This is why I usually run during lunch. My eyes dart up and around, searching for the familiar scents of the 5 boys. I finally locate them and Louis sees me and waves me over. I carry myself through the bodies and to the one open seat at their table. I sit at the end of the table, next to Niall and across from Louis. He beams at me.

    “Hi Juliet!” He shouts over the other voices, causing another stab of pain to shoot through my head. I just nod at him. He notices my discomfort and brings out a notebook. I cock an eyebrow at him, wondering what he is doing. He smiles and brings out a pencil. He writes something down before sliding the notebook and pencil over to me. I look down at the paper.



I roll my eyes but decide to play along.


He smiles at me, seeing that I have caught on.

What’s up?


Are you doing anything after school?

Well, I am… I was planning on running today, as always, but I can’t tell him that…


Brilliant! Could you come over?

I sigh.

I suppose.


He grins widely at me as the bell rings. He puts up his notebook and I scamper off to my last class.

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