Chapter Six: Realization

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I walk out of my last class to be instantly confronted by Louis and his smiling friends. I offer a weak smile back before being pulled by Harry to their car. I bite inside my lip, refraining from attacking at his sudden touch. My unusually sharp teeth tear through the inside of my mouth easily, causing blood to seep out and into down my throat. My teeth release the inside of my mouth and I find myself at a large van. The boys scramble inside and Louis grins at me from the driver’s seat. He motions for me to sit in the passenger seat. I oblige and strap in. He starts the car and it begins to slowly roll out of the parking lot and onto the road.

    The ride to their home is a long one, mainly filled with the boys’ chatter and unsuccessful attempts at having me join their conversation. Mind you, the ride should have only been about 5 minutes, 1 by wolf speed, but apparently Louis is not one for driving quickly. We finally pull up to their house and I follow them inside.

    My wolf senses pick up the heavy scent of sweat. I glance around and see a nervous, and slightly excited, Louis glancing at the clock and out the window. I avert my eyes, but keep my focus on his abnormal behavior.

    “So, uh… Let’s do something!” Harry announces loudly.

    “Like?” Zayn asks.

    “A game or something…” Harry shrugs.

    “Truth or dare?” Niall suggests.

    “Sure, if Juliet is alright with it.” Liam states. I shrug, in fact quite curious as to what the game is.

    “Okay, let’s get started!” Harry says.

    “Uh, I have to go do something. I’ll be right back.” Louis states.

    “Where are you going?” Liam asks responsibly. Louis shifts nervously.

    “Just, umm, somewhere. It’ll only be a minute.” He says. Liam looks at him wearily before shooing him off. He sighs exhaustingly. Louis shoots out of the door.

    “Umm, okay. Anyway, let’s play!” Zayn says excitedly.

    “I’ll start!” Niall announces, earning a scowl from Harry. “Juliet, truth or dare?”

    I quickly deduct that he wants me to choose out of the two.

    “Truth?” I say, the word coming out as more of a question.

    “What’s something you’ve never told anyone before?” He asks. I freeze momentarily and glance at their awaiting faces.

    “Ummm…” I am interrupted by a disappointed-looking Louis walking back in.

    “You alright, mate?” Liam asks.

    The word triggers something in my mind. Mate… Where have I heard that before? What does it mean? A jostle of words jumbles around in my head. I try to pick and puzzle them out.








I bite the inside of my mouth again, trying to tame my inner wolf.

“I have to go.” I say abruptly, before anything happens. I shoot up and out of the door, leaving no time for them to respond. I see a forest at the end of the road and I bolt to it. I barely get into the woods before my wolf takes over. My body twists and pulls into my wolf form. I take off among the trees and leaves and grass. I run and let the words form into that one life-changing sentence for any werewolf.

I’ve found my mate. 

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