BENIGAL 🚢 Headcanons + A/N!

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A/N —> Hi hi! DOUBLE UPLOAD?! ONE DAY?! Yes! I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you to everyone who has viewed my stories, read them in entirety, voted, commented, or even just popped in to see what's going on here! Today we reached 2K views on this anthology, which i'm very thankful for! I appreciate those of you who have voted and/or commented recently. It warms my heart to see people enjoying the hours of hard work and creativity I put into my writing. I promise that I am still writing and putting time into my own ORIGINAL works as well, but those take much more time than fan-fiction and I need to be slow to put in the right amount of detail and have a proper plot. Thanks for understanding, and I wish you all happy reading! Please join us again ~ Lavender

Just a reminder for legal reasons, these are my HEAD-CANONS about the characters, meaning i'm making these things up based on both the actual source material provided by Fujimoto and my own opinions. Enjoy! :)


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Kobeni Higashiyama (🍦)

❥🍦 Although she's very timid and deemed 'shy' by many, Kobeni is tough and can pack a punch if she needs to defend herself. She once punched a guy in the balls because he made fun of her little sister. Don't make fun of her little sister.

❥🍦 She's a HUGE animal respecter as long as they're from a distance, but she doesn't want any pets of her own. Not a dog person per say, but she also isn't the type to dislike animals.

❥🍦 Although she loves and respects the animals, she also loves the taste of beef. A good classic, American burger is her fave.

❥🍦 She likes artsy things like writing poetry, reading novels, and painting. She doesn't consider herself that good at any of those things, but she's actually great at them.

❥🍦 She has a green thumb (or for anyone whose never heard of or learned the idiom before, it means she is good with plants and gardening)!

❥🍦 Her first crush was in elementary school. It was a boy from a different class but the same grade. He gave her his heart but then took it back and gave it to another girl, right in front of her. From her experience with that one playground crush, her perspective on relationships and men changed forever.

❥🍦Kobeni had never experienced genuine love with a good, sweet guy until she met Galgali.

❥🍦Kobeni wants marriage and kids, but is extremely selective with who even so much as a kiss can be shared with. She chose Galgali.

❥🍦Although both Kobeni and Galgali were inexperienced in every way possible when they got together, Galgali was more chill about everything and helped Kobeni through the harder parts of a relationship, like the making up after an argument or the love-making.

❥🍦She loves the colours purple and blue.

❥🍦Her favourite desserts are fruity tarts, but she likes to eat mochi too sometimes. She usually doesn't eat desserts unless it's charcoal ice cream, her favourite flavour, but she sometimes likes to try Galgali's fave too.

❥🍦She prefers listening to Japanese pop music over American pop music, but she likes some American pop and R&B hits too. She's a fan of Britney Spears and Whitney Houston.

❥🍦Movies or books? Books for her.

❥🍦Does she like horror stuff? No. She hates it.

❥🍦Although she doesn't like it because she's easily frightened, she tolerates it for her horror-addicted boyfriend, Galgali.

❥🍦If there's one thing she loves about herself, it's the beauty marks on her face that make her unique. They remind her of Marilyn Monroe.

❥🍦 If there's one thing she would change about herself, it's her lack of confidence.

❥🍦 She's straight, but an ally to LGBTQ+ people.

❥🍦She doesn't tell Galgali 'I love you' as much as he does to her, but that's because her love language is through gift-giving and physical touch. Luckily, Galgali loves those too.

Galgali/ Violence Fiend/ Hirokazu Arai (☮️)

✮☮️He's friendly and seems popular, but is deeply lonely due to him being a 'fiend'.

✮☮️Loves the hell out of animals, and wishes he could adopt one of his own, but Kobeni doesn't want the chores of being a pet parent.

✮☮️Much like Kobeni, Galgali loves meat.

✮☮️He's a computer science nerd and in general just a nerd. Anything tech-related, go to him.

✮☮️Not great at anything artsy like Kobeni, but he really wants to learn to garden. Kobeni started him off with succulents because they're simple to care for and less likely to die, but somehow he's killed THREE already...

✮☮️Galgali couldn't recall a crush before Kobeni. He had a small amount of 'dating' experience but nothing memorable. In fact, he forgot the sight of any woman he might've found attractive before once he met Kobeni.

✮☮️Much like Kobeni, this was his first love.

✮☮️Lucky for Kobeni, Galgali also wants marriage and kids. He wants them sooner than she does even, hoping they can have kids right after marriage and by then, he hopes they will have retired permanently from the PSDHs.

✮☮️Galgali was just as inexperienced as Kobeni, but due to his laid-back nature and chill vibes, he seemed a lot more casual during their 'first' for everything...including love-making time.

{Side note: he was panicking inside, as he does anytime he is affectionate with her.}

✮☮️Galgali likes the colours green and red, and no, not because of Christmas.

✮☮️His favourite ice cream is vanilla. He loves sweets, arguably more than Kobeni.

✮☮️Says he isn't a big fan of American pop music or the food or anything about the pop culture, but is very invested in Vogue magazine, reality television, and the music.

✮☮️Movies or books? Video games for him, but he loves a good movie too. He's a bit of a movie buff without even trying. Great memory?

✮☮️Literally a horror addict, and not scared.

✮☮️Although he loves his girlfriend, Kobeni, he also likes to torture her a little with horror stuff.

✮☮️If there's one thing he loves about himself, it's his hair. It always smells sweet like candy because of a special shampoo he found one time at the drugstore and has been absolutely gatekeeping for months. He'll never tell...

✮☮️If there's one thing he would change about himself, it's his willingness to be pushed around in the workplace, by coworkers or his boss. He's often underestimated, even by himself. Despite that, he's one of the strongest.

✮☮️He's straight, but has experience with men. Of course he's got very little experience besides Kobeni, but there were a couple times he was curious and dipped his toes in the water with some male friends...

✮☮️Galgali loves positive affirmations in a relationship, and tells Kobeni he loves her a lot, as well as calling her endearing names, usually 'Beni' or just 'Baby'. He loves her gifts and luckily also loves physical touch, usually being the one to initiate it first.


Coming up next, Quanxi + her harem of's time to get fruity up in here, ladies (and other genders are welcome to read too!)

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