XI'S HAREM 🛥️ Headcanons + A/N!

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- Mentions of mental illness, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. NONE of it is graphic and is only mentioning the topics. Please take care :)
- Headcanons are based on my own thoughts mixed with some canon knowledge too. These may be accurate to some, or really dumb to others. That is okay because these are all our own interpretations!

A/N —> Hey everyone. I am finally publishing the final part of the Quanxi's harem section of the anthology. It is so wonderful to have been able to share so many oneshot fanfictions with you guys and I hope at least one or two people could really enjoy them. I know I go overboard with the word counts, and go OOC (out of character) quite a few times, but I still hope my writing was decent enough to make people feel emotions. Although fiction is simply that—fake, faux—I hope my works can make you feel real things. I am going to be brief with these headcanons because there's five women to get through, but please enjoy! - Lav :)

As always, for legal reasons, these are just some headcanons I wrote based on my oneshots and personal feelings. They may seem OOC or random to you if you disagree—and that's fine. It's just my opinions and random things I associate with each of the characters. Since Fujimoto did not specifically say some things about the harem, I made things up.

Some of the headcanons are canon-compliant and others are not. Just so you all know, okay? TTYL! :p

 Just so you all know, okay? TTYL! :p

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Pingtsi (Quanxi's partner)

• She is usually talkative to Quanxi but will oftentimes go silent in moments she feels others are not listening to her.

• She is a perfectionist; failure is not an option.

• She had a history of SH but she is healing :)

• She was the first of Quanxi's lovers to join the harem, so she feels she has a special place.

• She has ADHD and people often think "well of course she does" based on her talkative temperament, but they don't realize all of the other aspects of her ADHD. She's also so tired.

• She loves good food, even as a fiend. She can't decide on a favourite, but she loves hotpot and for a snack, she likes to eat dango and taiyaki!

• Pillow princess, passenger princess, etc. but she will put in work and effort into what she's passionate about. She just loves to be spoiled. Although Quanxi usually takes charge for *intimate* endeavors, Pingtsi from time to time is the leader as well. She usually gets flustered and gives up the role, which Quanxi takes over.

• She hates herself deeply; Quanxi and the others probably love her more than she loves herself.
She has a fear of being perceived by others; this stems from the fear they'll see her as she sees herself: a monster, fiend, ugly, worthless, dumb.

Long (Quanxi's other partner)

• She is selectively mute. She has the ability to speak but doesn't usually use it because she communicates better without words. She speaks with her eyes and body language mostly.

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