Origins - Chap 1

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Origins - A Skase / Evershall Story - Chapter 1

First and foremost I want to thank FoxFire69 again for the use of his OC and Marshall's Twin Sister Cinder. Also for his suggestions and editing assistance on this project, let's just call it what it is, He helped co-write the story. I have come to love his character and enjoy including her in my stories. If you want to learn more about her, jump over to FanFiction and check out FoxFire69's stories, they are great. Now this story was a plot request and I am setting out to write a short story, I have no actual idea as my thought has potential to turn into future stories based on reception.


Marshall sat fidgeting on the train platform.

"What did she say?" asked Everest.

"She said she was coming to visit for a week or so," said Marshall, "then she said she was bringing a friend."

"Ok did she say anything more?" asked Everest.

"No, she said HE was a friend," whined Marshall. "That's all." He turned and looked at the time for the tenth time in the last five minutes.

"Well, maybe it's just that," said Everest, "She works around mainly guys. I'm sure she has lots of male friends. That doesn't mean she's serious with any of them. Why does this bother you so much? You know she dates, it's probable that she'll meet somepup special someday."

"It, uh, It's just that..." stuttered Marshall.

"It's just what?" said Everest, licking her mate's muzzle causing him to shiver.

"It's that she's never brought one to meet me," said Marshall. "Am I going to approve? Am I going to decide no one is good enough for her? Am I even going to like this pup?"

"Marshall, you like everyone," laughed Everest, "You even like Sweetie and Arby, and they started out as villains. As far as approval, I would hope regardless of your initial feelings, you trust and support your sister."

"Yeah, but what about Claw," said Marshall, "I don't like him."

"Claw is a jerk," said Everest, "but you know as well as I do, if he yelped for help you'd go without hesitation."

"That's probably true," laughed Marshall, checking the time again. "What about you?"

"What about me?" said Everest, "I trust her, and I'm potentially losing my favorite cuddle buddy. As long as he treats her right, I'll be fine. If not, well, the mountain wolves have to eat something."

"Why isn't the train here yet?" asked Marshall, looking at the platform clock.

"Well, probably because the arrival time is in 10 minutes," laughed Everest, "Checking the clock every three seconds is going to make it seem longer."

Marshall began to pace, 'I have to be supportive. What if they are already a serious couple?' thought Marshall. 'How am I supposed to feel about somepup sleeping with my sister? I don't want to think about that, but what if they are?'

"Marshall! Stop!," laughed Everest.

Marshall stopped and looked at Everest.

"You're going to wear a hole in the platform," giggled Everest. "You've walked in a circle so much and so fast, it is only a matter of time before you start a whirlwind. You're overthinking everything. Relax, enjoy the visit. Deal with what comes, don't over-scenario the possible outcomes. And does it really matter if they're sleeping together or not. They are adults, they are allowed to be intimate, that is if they are even dating."

"WHAT, how did you..." sputtered Marshall.

"Marshmallow, you are thinking about this so hard," laughed Everest, "I'd be surprised if she can't hear your thoughts already. You know I can feel it when you're upset and when you're really worked up I can hear it from time to right now"

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