Origins - Chap 4

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Origins - A Skase / Evershall Story - Chapter 4

Skye scooted next to Chase before leaning over and giving him a long, sensual kiss.

"Get a room?" laughed Marshall

"Some-pup didn't bring a room," laughed Skye.

"We thought it would be more fun to sleep under the stars talking," said Marshall.

"I'm kidding Marshall," said Skye, "I'm glad you both decided to do this. It's fun to camp like this. Once in a while."

"So Marshall," said Smudge, "When did you first like Everest."

"Well, I really think I liked her when I first met her," Marshall said softly.

"I'll say he did," Chase snorted.

"What?" asked Everest.

"We had just pulled you and Jake from that ice bridge and when Jake introduced you I was standing next to Marshall," said Chase. "The moment he saw you he whispered 'She's beautiful.' I knew then that he liked you. Then when we were sitting around the campfire that first night he was showing off for you and you rescued him from his marshmallow incident, I knew it was far more than a little like. What can I say, I know my bro."

"Aww that's so sweet," said Everest turning to Marshall who looked redder than his fire truck.

"It's true," Marshall said softly, "I loved her the moment I saw her."

"What about you Everest?" said Smudge, "When did you first like Marshall?"

"When I first saw him," said Everest. "My only thought was 'wow, who's that'? Marshall came and threw us a blanket  and some liver treats; I thought I was going to melt through the ice. He was just so dog-gone cute and impossibly more handsome."

Everyone except Marshall laughed. Marshall was too busy trying to hide his blush inside his sleeping bag"

"Dearest brother," Cinder laughed softly, "I didn't know you could blush all the way to the tip of your tail."

That made everyone laugh even harder.

"So Everest," Cinder asked softly, "when did you first decide you loved my dear brother."

"It was actually shortly after I joined," said Everest, "I already knew I really liked him a lot more than a just a friend or teammate; something was highly alluring about those spots and tail. Then I heard that Marshall might be singing in the Adventure Bay Talent Show. I snuck into town and watched them. When Rubble called Marshall to sing with him, my heart nearly stopped. His voice is just so captivating; he quite literally sang his way the last smidge of the way into my heart. I wanted to pounce him right then and there but there were too many witnesses for that." Everest leaned over and gave Marshall a quick kiss on the cheek to emphasize her feelings.

"C-Cinder isn't too bad a s-singer e-either," Marshall stuttered, trying to deflect attention away from him before his fur spontaneously combusted from the heat of his blushing.

"You two should sing something together," yipped Skye, as she did her signature backflip.

"Sure, what do you want to sing, Cin?" said Marshall. Cinder glanced over at Smudge and immediately turned almost as bright red as Marshall. Smudge managed not to notice somehow but Everest and Skye did and started giggling.

"I think that would be a 'not right now, maybe next year'," laughed Marshall.

They continued laughing and talking for a while before one by one they each drifted off.

Before they all fell asleep Marshall thought, 'I like him Cinder. He seems really nice.'

'I think so as well,' Cinder mentally sighed.

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