Origins - Chap 7

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Over the next month and a half there were many calls and Cinder was thoroughly convinced that Smudge had everything together and was ready. Smudge kept acting like he wasn't trusting his abilities and knowledge. He spent every waking minute following her and asking questions. She finally walked into Skipper's office and shut the door behind her.

"Have you noticed Smudge's confidence issue?" Cinder asked softly.

"What do you mean?" asked Skipper, "Is he not getting some area or anything in particular?"

"No that's just it," Cinder replied softly, "He understands and has proved his ability time after time. I was slightly worried that he would start using Rocky's app as a crutch when he brought it back but he almost does better when we take it away. He has no issues that I have seen or could reasonably complain about."

"So what is the issue?" asked Skipper.

"He keeps asking the same questions over and over and spending every moment with me," Cinder said softly.

"Oh, I see," Skipper smiled.

"What?" Cinder softly asked. "What am I missing?"

"Really, are you messing with me?" Skipper asked.

"Ok, I guess I'm missing something," Cinder replied softly.

"Well, I guess you may not be seeing this for what it is," said Skipper. "Let's see, um."

Cinder sat down, looking at him, "What is it, Skipper?"

"If you really aren't messing with me," Skipper explained, "It's obvious to those of us around you."

Cinder simply stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Um ok," Skipper continued, "Look, He likes you. He likes you alot, more than just a work friend or casual acquaintance. But he obviously respects you and above all is not going to push in anyway."

"Oh..." Cinder softly trailed off, a slight blush creeping into her face.

"That's what I figured," Skipper laughed. "Cinder, you know everyone here supports whatever you decide is best for you. My guess is that neither of you are ready to move one way or the other. That's ok, take your time and decide what's best for you."

"I was hoping that wasn't it" Cinder softly grumbled.

"I knew you had to have considered the possibility. Like I said," Skipper assured her, "I'm not going to tell you what to do one way or another. You are a fully adult pup and have to decide what is in your best interests. I'll admit, I would hate to lose you as I'm sure they would hate to lose him."

"I, I couldn't leave," Cinder softly stated, "The distance is just too far. It can't work."

"Can't work? Or making it work will be difficult?" Skipper prodded, "Most things worth doing are difficult in some way. The question is do you want it to work in the first place and if so, how hard are you both willing to make it work. The decision has to be yours. You're far too analytical to allow someone to even influence your decision, much less make it for you."

"That's just it," Cinder said softly.

"Just what?" asked Skipper.

"I just don't..." Cinder trailed off.

"Cinder, I may be your boss but I'm also your partner and friend," said Skipper, as he walked around and sat on the edge of his desk. "You just don't, what?"

"I just don't know what I want," Cinder softly said. "My heart wants one thing, My head tells me it's insane and next to impossible. My gut tells me I'm making a mistake, but not which choice is the mistake. It is stressing me out."

Origins - A Skase / Evershall Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें