Origins - Chap 8

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The three walked into the station, it seemed eerily quiet.

"What's going on," asked Smudge.

"SURPRISE!" yelled a crowd of people and pups.

The lights came on and there was a huge group standing in front of a sign reading 'Farewell Chief Smudge.' Smudge immediately turned away to hide the tears that had welled up in his eyes.

"I-i don't know what to say guys," said Smudge. "I've never been around such a wonderful crew. I've learned so much from being around and working with each of you. I can't believe you managed to get all the shifts together."

Skipper stepped forward, "Usually we have to force a speech out of our latest candidates. You leap right into it. Maybe you did listen a little."

"Sir, I will never be able to repay any of you for the knowledge and skills you shared with me," said Smudge.

"Ok, enough of that," yelled Sadie, "Cut the cake so I can eat and go home to bed."

Everyone laughed and Smudge made his way over to the table holding an assortment of foods from all the favorite local hangouts. Most importantly was the huge cake reading 'Congratulations Chief Smudge.'

Those that had held over said their goodbyes and departed for home. Those that had come in specifically for the party lasted a little longer as some would have to return this evening. The rest continued partying between calls.

That evening Smudge fell asleep for the last time in the Heartland Fire Station.


I want to start this last part of the final chapter of this book by thanking FoxFire69 again for allowing the use of his OC Cinder. His writings and her story have inspired this book as well as other portions of my other series'. He has helped immensely in this book and offered suggestions for others. In this case this last portion in which is the departure of Smudge for home was written completely by FoxFire69. Please if you have not done so check his stories out and learn more about Cinder and enjoy his excellent writing ability.

Now without further ado, here is the final part of the final chapter.

The morning of Smudge's departure came. Cinder and Skipper drove the British Dalmatian to the airport more than three hours early for his flight to account for all the hassle that came with him flying internationally. Stopping at the curb, Skipper unloaded the one bag and one carry-on.

"Fly safe Smudge, hopefully we'll see you again. Do great things on your side of the pond, ok?"

"Will do Skipper" Smudge replied. "Maybe next time I'll bring my boss so he can see what an amazing system you have for himself. He is going to have a hard time believing me as it is."

"You are welcome anytime" Skipper said, kneeling down to give the Dalmatian a hug.

As Skipper got up, Cinder took his place. "Fly safe, let us know when you make it through security, and go straight to your gate" Cinder softly said. "And let us know when you arrive safely at home."

Smudge laughed slightly at her directions. "Yes ma'am" he said formally in his best accent.

"Stop that, you are making me feel old" Cinder laughed before wrapping her paws around him in a snug hug. Smudge wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not but it felt more like she was squeezing his stuffing to make sure it was still there than a casual hug goodbye. It also lasted longer than expected, not that Smudge was complaining. He was quite enjoying the feeling of Cinder's head resting on his shoulder.

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