Origins - Chap 5

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Origins - A Skase / Evershall Story - Chapter 5

The next morning Marshall, Chase, and Smudge were up early again and running.

"I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy running," said Marshall.

"It wakes up your metabolism as well as your brain," said Smudge. "I always feel better after I workout first thing."

They walked around the Lookout cooling down. Chase had broken off to perform his usual morning checks. Marshall and Smudge continued talking.

"So how is everything going?" asked Marshall.

"What do you mean?" asked Smudge.

Marshall raised a questioning eyebrow at the other Dalmatian.

"Oh, that, yeah..." sighed Smudge. "I just don't know. One minute I think I'm making progress and the next I'm utterly confused."

"Well, if it helps," Marshall laughed, "I don't think we're supposed to understand them. But you have to give her time. She would have said something if she wasn't interested at all. She doesn't do anything in a rush. She calculates every decision, she always has. I, on the other hand, tend to jump in with all paws, except when it came to Everest."

"I gathered that," Smudge laughed, "I was always one to aggressively pursue anything that drew my interests. Cinder is very different. I can't put my paw on it, but she is, uh, well, she is worth waiting for."

"I know the distance is a great concern," said Marshall.

"It would concern me with anyone else I've ever considered dating," said Smudge, "like I said, Cinder is very different. I have no doubts that if something did develop, I would have no fear of her not remaining 100% faithful. She has such a great big heart."

"A very soft heart," Marshall agreed, "But that heart has a diamond tough exterior." Marshall paused for a moment, considering his next words carefully. "I don't think it's because of fear that she doesn't allow others in, it's that she won't commit to anything she has not absolutely thought out and while she is amazingly sweet and soft on the outside, there are many leviathans in the depths of her heart. Smudge, I really like you and I think you two would be good for each other. But I know there are things to work out as well. The question is are you willing to wait and allow things to progress at the rate she's comfortable with."

Smudge had stopped walking, Marshall turned back and looked deep in his eyes. Smudge looked on the verge of tears. Slowly he nodded.

"Yes, Marshall," Smudge said softly, "I really think I am. I would never push Cinder into anything she didn't feel ready for. I can be a good friend for now if that is what she needs. I'm willing to wait."

Marshall hugged Smudge, "I know the wait will be tough. You have my number now though, call me anytime. I know you two leave soon. I'm seriously going to miss you. It's been great getting to know you. I really do hope to see you again soon."

"I think I'm going to go shower before breakfast," said Smudge. "I've really enjoyed meeting all of you pups. It has been so much more than I expected. I expected a professional team, but some of the teams I've observed with a lot less exposure than yours have been very conceited. You're all more of a family than a team, more so than many families I've been around. I'm proud to call you pups friends, you are everything a rescue team needs to be and treat each other as family first. I really would love to be a part of, um, something like this."

Smudge turned and walked into the Lookout.

Marshall thought to himself, "Did he just offer to be a part of us, or just something like us?" Marshall shook his head and walked into his pup house.

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