Ch.3: Confess Or I'll Tell

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Note: This will be a challenging chapter to write and it has Mina's cousin who was 16 at the time harm Kat badly in this. This chapter is about the rape of Katsuki Jane through Mina's words and point of view. I know have some of my other books with rape and shit, but, this one will be about the rape of a person and tainted love all in one as well as the reasons as to why Kat is lying to his mother, too. I know lying isn't a good thing when it comes to lying to family, but, people must do what they should do when they need it, okay. Please, don't come at me about this, alright, anyways, I hope this explains a bit more about Mina's cousin to you guys, okay. Also, have a pic of baby Kat and his older self, too.

-January 1st, 2024-

-The Jane Apartment-

Katsuki Jane

With Kiri back home with his mothers and Mina with her rapist of a cousin, I watch my mom and Julie make dinner together while I watch TV in my room. I still get texts from him that always say that he'll threaten to harm my mom or even Julie, but, I can't help it anymore. "Me lying to my own mother feels so bad that I can't help, but, have to keep on lying to her..." I thought as I ate my dinner since it was our make-your-own-dinner night until we decided to get another option for dinner, though. "Lying is the worst thing to do to my mother and I hate it so fucking much..." I thought more as I ate my dinner while watching TV or more so losing my focus on that, though. "Kiri being protective of me was actually kinda hot, though..." I think as I think about him being protective of me while keeping me safe from Ashi. "Kat sweetie, how was your hang out with your friends ???" I heard her ask me as I looked over at her and smiled at that. "Amazing, Mama." I tell her while keeping my thoughts in check as I think of Kiri being my hero. Once all three of us get tired and went to bed, my nightmares started up again as soon as I finally fell asleep.

-The Next Morning-

-The Future Bakery-

Once I woke up and head on downstairs which got me to skip breakfast while she and Julie slept in, I decided to work on the bakery itself by working on clearing away all the dust that this place has while trying to get rid of my thoughts and that nightmare I had last night by cleaning away all the dust before my mom came down here and sneeze a whole lot. "Ashi is the worst person to even date... I don't even know why I dated him at all... Wait... Now, I do... He told me fucking lies after lies that he fucking understood me... That he knows what's it like to hate your father... That he cares for my feelings... That he knows how hard it is for my mother... That he LOVED me... He only loved my body... God, I hate myself for that..." I thought as I clean dust after dust until the bell to the door opened and it was Mina. "Hey, Kats... I, um, I wanted to know how are you after that encounter with him..." She tells me while rubbing her hands together and I sighed at that. "I'm fine, Mina... It's just that... I can't believe that he decided to show up in my life again and has the fucking nerves to talk to me after what he did to me in middle school..." I tell her and she nodded at my words while helping me out with cleaning the floors.

Ashido Mina(New POV)

"Look, I'm so sorry for letting him get to you, Kats, but, knowing him is like knowing a brickwall with black slime coming out of it... He's just too much of an ass to back off, Kats..." I tell him while helping him clean away dust after dust. Once we finished cleaning the floor, we started on the other areas that has dust and then, sooner than later, it was all nice and cleaned up. "So, all it needs is a lot of work to do like wood and steel, to be honest." Kat says while we both admire the work we did to the place as soon as his mother and future dad came walking downstairs to head off to work. "Oh my living daylights, it's feels so much better to be down here longer than I usually do." Miss. Jane spoke as she takes a deep breath right away in her freshly clean future bakery. "Well, me and Kats sure did a number on all those stupid dust bunnies for you, Miss. J." I tell her and she smiled at me and her son for our hard work. "That's so sweet of you two, dears." She tells us with another smile and we smile right back at her.

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