Ch.5: Why Are You Lying To Me, Honey...???

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Note 1: This was gonna be a crazy chapter, but, I decided to add something else, but, hey don't worry were will be a chapter that will have the crazy thing that I wanted in this chapter, okay. The song above is the one that matched this chapter because it's about the son missing his mother, so, I thought about choosing this one and another one, but, since I loved both of them too much, I decided to pick this one since the other one will be put into another chapter of this book, alright ??? So, here's the song that fits this chapter more than the other song, Unsaid Emily.

Note 2: This is about Kat learning about how to not lie to his mother who cares about his well-being, okay ???

Note 3: This will have a gun attack towards Chris herself and also, this will have both Kirishima and Julie going into their hero mode for their loved ones right away, too.

Note 4: Kat finally confirms what he's been hiding from his friends and mother as well as his mother's future husband.

-January 3rd, 2024-

Chris Jane (Surprise Motherfuckers !!!)

-The Jane Apartment/Kat's Bedroom/Chis's Bedroom-

With his help in getting Kat into my bed since his bed is in a bad state, I let out a small sigh at the sight of my son. "What about his two friends, Shota ???" I asked the man who had just started leaving my room and he thought about it until an idea came to him right then and there. "They'll be here for him, Kits." He spoke with a smile towards me and I nodded at that. Once he left my room and then, out of my bakery, I climbed into my bed with Kat in the covers and held him in my arms while putting on some calming music on for him. The song that was on a loop was the song from Tazan and it would always help him stay calm in my arms as I held him. I have been using this song ever since he was a baby and it would always remind him of me and me doing everything together. He would always be in my heart and I would always be in his excitedly if he gets with that red-haired shark boy that I can always tell that he's in love with him, but, for now, he's my angel until I'm ready to let him go.

Katsuki Jane

As the sun rose over our home, I woke up to my eyes spotting someone's dark brown hair that has a couple of old streaks in the said person's hair in it and at first I thought about someone else for a short while, but, the person spoke up to me right away. "Uncle Lu ain't here anymore, Sweetheart..." They spoke to me with the kindest tone of voice ever heard by my ears and it was my mother. "Mama... I'm so sorry..." I spoke to her in a weak tone and she just lay there holding me without saying anything else. "I-I'm the one who should be saying that towards you, my darling, though..." She tells me and I finally look right up at her to see sadness in her eyes. "What do you mean by that, Mama ???..." I asked her and she sighed at that question before answering it right away. "I... I should never had him over here for my birthday...." She tells me while trying not to let tears form in her eyes, but, I can tell she does have them in her eyes.

"I-I-I wanted to get him to understand what I wanted in life and that I-I-I-." She spoke out again, but, her tears got to her before she could ever tell me what she was about to say. "That you wanted to reconnet with him or what, Mama ???..." I replied for her, but, more of a type of questionable type of way, though. "No... That I wanted to end all contact with him ever since I found out that he hurt you... My baby... Who got hurt by the same man who harmed me with that stupid cane of his... God... If only I took it..." She spoke more about it and then, I broke right away. "What ???!!!" I asked her and she just got up and looked away from me with tears in both of our eyes. "I-I-I never told you this, Katsuki, but, I took the hits of his when you were about 1 years old when he found out that I married someone who wasn't his choosing..." She added to her words towards me more about him and his abuse of her and me. 

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