My Satisfaction

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The weather is kind of cold today. Winter sure is making its presence known already. I wore my thick sweater with a shirt under it.

I hurriedly went outside after bidding my mom and dad goodbye. Everyday after that day, I was especially excited to go to school. Just seeing Rei's smile and pretty face makes me energized and satisfied. Though we don't have a label just yet, it was enough that both of us knew we feel the same thing towards each other. And that's enough, for now.

I waited on the school's entrance for a certain cutie so that we can both go to our classroom together. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Jiwon-ah! Whatchu doing here?" I looked up to see Gaeul-unnie, wearing a jacket with a bucket on her head. I smiled at her.

"Hey, unnie. I'm just waiting for Rei," I told her. She then smirked and sat beside me.

"You two are somewhat inseparable lately. Are you guys hiding something from us?" she asked while wriggling her brows.

My eyes widen and I knew my face was turning red already. But I shook my head to her.

"Uh, no, unnie. We aren't hiding anything from you and the girls," I said while looking away. The blush on my cheeks were not fading.

"Ahh. I see. Ohh, there they are!" she pointed behind me. I saw Rei with Yujin-unnie who was once again making fun of her.

My heart fluttered because she looked like a cute fluff ball in her state. She was wearing sweater, under a thick jacket and a padded jacket to cover her all up. She was also wearing a cute beanie. I can't help but smile widely as she gives me uwus.

"Yujin-ah! Rei! Over here," Gaeul-unnie called them over, while I was still admiring the cutie from my point of view.

The moment our eyes met, it seemed like time slowed down. Especially when her frowning face changed into a smiling one. I was smiling at her the whole time as I raised my hand to wave at her.

"Yow! What's up, Jiwon-ah, Gaeul-unnie? It's freezing, right?" Yujin-unnie says after she tapped my shoulders as a sign of greetings. She was also wearing a padded jacket under a sweater.

"I guess so. But someone sure is about to freeze considering the number of clothing she wears right now," Gaeul-unnie chuckled and looked at Rei.

She was indeed right. Rei doesn't like the cold weather. She told me she prefers summer or autumn.

"Unnies, stop teasing me. Aren't you all cold?" she asked with a pout. So cute!

"Nope. Anyway, I'm gonna go and check on Hyunseo and Wonyoung for a while," Yujin-unnie says.

"Ah! Yes, I was about to do that when I saw Jiwon here. She was waiting for you, Rei," Gaeul-unnie teased and alas! Despite the cold weather, my cheeks felt warm.

"Of course, she would. She's whipped." Although Yujin-unnie whispered the last part, I managed to hear it clearly.

I glared at her and glanced at Rei, who's face was tinted in pink, maybe because she was already feeling cold.

"We better go now. See you kids later," Yujin-unnie says. Gaeul-unnie went with her after waving at us.

When the two unnies were finally out of sight, I shyly glanced at Rei. She was looking down, face becoming redder as she is exposed in the cold.

"Did you wait long?" she finally asked and looked up to meet my gaze. I giggled and shook my head.

"No. I actually just got here a while ago. Let's get inside now," I say and hopped from the flower box where I sat. I held her hand as well. She was wearing mittens and even so, I could still feel the coldness of her hand. I guess she really doesn't like the weather.

I looked at her worriedly and fixed her beanie, "You okay? Are you feeling cold?"

She then smiled brightly at me and shook her head, "Nope. Your hand is warm. And you're here, so I'm feeling warm already."

My face was not red because of the weather, but because of this girl's sweet words. It just flutters my heart.

"Tsk. We really should head to the classroom now. I'm afraid my warmth won't be enough with this freezing weather."

It didn't take long for our teacher to finally start the class. I took Rei's hand on mine to make her feel warm and thankfully, it works.

I did that until it was time to write. She was using her right hand to write so I handed a hot pack on her left hand, just so she won't feel cold.

Our next class was P.E. and we needed to get changed into our uniforms. She was still feeling cold especially without her padded jacket. So, I took the initiative to just hold both of her hands and keep them warm by blowing my hot breath in it.

She was staring at me as I did so I plastered a warm smile to her. Her face then became red as she looked away. I giggled and pinched her cheek. "Cutie~"

"I think I don't need to use my mittens anymore since you're already doing its job," she says playfully. I looked at her and chuckled.

"Uh-huh. In fact, you might not need your padded jacket too," I said and pulled her into a hug.

"Ehem. Guys, as much as I want to see you snuggled up with each other, about to start."

We both looked up and saw Wonyoung with a teasing look while her hands are on her hips. Rei immediately stood up and began walking towards the gym but I caught up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the other one holding her hand. She looked at me while I winked at her, which of course, made her blush.

"Geez. It's weird seeing Jiwon all clingy and touchy," Wonyoung remarked beside Rei.

"Yah!" I whined as Rei laughed out loud, but to me it sounded like a music box that you'd want to just listen to all the time.

This is definitely it. My satisfaction.

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