Ride the W-A-V-E~

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I woke up as the sunlight hits my eyes, shifting and shielding it with my hand. The sun's rays visible inside my room. I suddenly missed my own Rei of Sunshine. Yawning, I reached for my phone that was under my pillow and looked at the time. It's 6AM, still a bit early. I smiled widely as I looked at my wallpaper, which was a photo of her with her cute space bun hairstyle.

Quickly typing a good morning message, telling her that I missed her so much and to have a great day ahead. She's probably still asleep at this moment since it's still early.

I got up and washed my face before going down. My parents are already there, having their coffee and breakfast.

"Good morning, mom and dad!"

"Good morning, sweety," they both said and smiled warmly at me as I gave them each a kiss on the top of their heads.

I sat beside mom and exclaimed when I saw cheese bread and bagel on the table.

"These are Rei's favorites! Omo, she'd be ecstatic if she was here," I say and took one of each. Ahh, I miss her more right now.

"Right. She especially loves cheese. I remember how she would follow me around as I prepared to make these breads the last time she visited," Mom said while chuckling. Yeah. I almost had to drag her with me just so she'd leave Mom alone when she was baking.

Don't get the wrong way, Mom loves it when Rei follows her around like a little chick, even tells her to help while preparing.

"Did she go back to Japan for the summer break?" Dad joined the conversation. I shook my head at him.

"She did, but only for a few days. She just went to visit her grandparents then came back because she had art classes once a week," I explained. I wanted to see her so bad, but Jeju is kinda far.

He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. His brows then perked up as he turned to me, "Why don't you use my truck to go and pick her up? We kinda missed that kid, too."

My eyes widen, bits of the bread from my mouth fell off. I turned to him while pointing at myself. He nodded.

"Is that even a good idea? As much as I want to see Rei, I don't want to get her into trouble," my Mom opposed. I pout at her.

The thing is, I already had my driver's license last week. I can say that I mastered all the driving lessons already. I'm sure I'll get Rei here safe and sound. That girl doesn't even know I already had it, I originally plan to tell her when school starts again.

"Mom, I already got the hang of it, you know? I'll bring Rei over in one piece, without scratches and without crumpled clothes, I promise!" I stubbornly looked at her with my puppy eyes. I heard Dad chuckling on the side, finding everything amusing.

Mom scoffed and turned to sip her cup of coffee. I pout even more, she'll say yes in a bit so I just have to wait.

"Why? Does Rei always get scratches and crumpled clothes when she's with you?" She looked at me with a stoic expression.

I, on the other hand, almost died on the spot because I choked on the bread that was inside my mouth. I coughed vigorously, before reaching for my Mom's glass of water. Dad was just laughing at me while I was struggling for my life.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, sweety. I was just joking," Mom began rubbing my back while stifling a laugh.

"Mom, how could you say things like that?" I feel myself being deflated on my seat while my parents laugh to their hearts' content.

"I was joking, sweety. Don't be too worked up now, unless you really do those things to Rei," and they both throw into a fit of laughter again. I can't believe they're making fun of me this way.

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