Chapter 10

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Milly grabbed her bag and waved bye to Daisy, flying off towards East leaving the enchanted forest. Milly soon was away from the enchanted forest and encountered a dark shadowy field with very strong wings which made Milly lose her balance.

"What the hell?!"

Milly fell on the ground rubbing her head before noticing the area she was in. It was a field covered in black as Milly touched one of the trees which turned into dust when she touched it.

"Where am I? And why is everything black.?!"

Milly walked down the mysterious black.. field. Everything was black like literally even the grass was black. Milly looked around the area and saw that the sky was a dark color too.

"Dang this place is a deadbeat wonderland! It's the total opposite of the enchanted forest! God, I already miss that place and I hated all the bright colors there!"

"I have to find a way out of this field...I'd rather be stuck in a room with Zander than be in here."

"Hi, Milly!" Milly jumped in the air like a cat seeing a cucumber turning 360 around to see... Daisy.

"God! You gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here Daisy?" Milly asked

"Soooo like I wanted to come with you because I got worried about you getting hurt! I haven't been on an adventure before and I thought you will like some company!" Daisy said

"Well after you gave me a fright from your jump scare, you can come with me!"

"Yay! So where are we- oh. This doesn't look very safe."

"Yeah it doesn't, there's gotta be a way out, I don't like seeing dark colors a lot..." (Milly, you're forgetting about someone)

"That sounded... way too off... but okay. Hm, it seems like this place was surrounded by cursed magic."

"Cursed Magic? What's that..?"

"Also called Corrupted Magic, It's a type of deadly magic. My mother told me that cursed magic hasn't been learned for over 100 years due to how deadly it was."

"That sounds terrible... I can't imagine anyone that I know, having that magic..."

"Yea... cursed magic is probably the deadliest magic there is. Mother Rosy had to seal it away for good. If anyone manages to control cursed magic, who knows what destruction they can do..."

"You gave me goosebumps when you said that..."

"Heh... Sorry... I read too many dark books... wait what is that in the sky?"

Milly and Daisy looked up at the dark sky to see... giant mutated bats. Milly gasped at the sight and grabbed Daisy down into a bush as the bats were flying around the area.

"Ugh, those bats!! They must be looking for me..." Milly sighed

"Bats? Is that what is in the sky? And why are they looking for you-"

"Shush! It's a long story but right now I can't tell you!"

"Henry, Do you see her?" Liam questioned

"Ugh no! I can't see anything! Do you think she is in that enchanted forest?" Henry pointed

"Henry! You know the bats can't get near the enchanted forest due to their light magic! We have to search somewhere else!"

"Fine! Let's go check the other side of the kingdom before King Drew chops our heads off.!"

"Fine by me!" The two left with their bats as Daisy and Milly came out of their hiding spots.

"What just happened? Could you explain.?" Daisy looked at Milly

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