Book 1 Chapter 4: Nightmares and The Unrelated Warriors of Kyoshi

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She was tending to a pan of oil, seaweed breaded fish awaiting frying. Kya was smiling, chopping mushrooms for a side dish.

"When did Sarru expect to return?" she asked, looking up from her work.

"Uh... tomorrow! Because she left two nights ago," a young Ash said after counting on her fingers. Her eyes were glued to the liquid, waiting for it to boil

"Here, I'll keep an eye on it. You go find your sister, okay? I would like her help as well."

"Okay!" she said, sprinting out of the small kitchen.

Looking around, she wasn't able to spot Katara anywhere. Trudging through the snow, she stuck her tongue out to catch a lone snowflake. A bitter taste filled her mouth, and she immediately spit it out. It didn't taste like snow.

She watched another flake fall. It landed on her outstretched hand, and she peered at the dark gray speck. It smudged as she rubbed her fingers together, leaving a dark stain on her hand.


It was easy to see against the iridescent snow. One turned into a flurry. The warning was sounded.

A raiding party was here.

Racing back to the tent, Kya was shocked to see her white as snow.

"What's wrong dear?"

"The ships are back!"

Kya stiffened, and pulled the small girl into the igloo, closing the animal hide door. Scoping her up, she rocked the child in her lap, trying to keep her calm.

"It's okay, we're going to be okay. There isn't anyone here that they want. They probably just want some of our food. It's a good thing we made so much extra, isn't it?" she cooed.

Despite her best efforts, whimpers still filled the tent.

A soldier hurtled through the door. Kya pushed Ash behind her, still kneeling on the floor.

The firelight danced on his freshly polished black armor, the red edges almost looked alive.

"Where are they?" he demanded.

"I don't know who you're talking about," she said.

"The waterbender! If you don't spit it out, there will be some... messy consequences," he said, fire emerging in his fist.

Katara burst through the entrance, terror written across her face. Kya stiffened.

"Just let them go, and I'll give you the information you want," she said.

"You heard your mother. Get out of here!" the soldier ordered, glaring at Katara.

"Mommy, I'm scared," she said, tears in her eyes.

"Go find your dad, sweetie. I'll handle this," Kya said firmly, and pushed Ash to follow as Katara turned and left.

"I'm not leaving you," the small girl said, trying to be brave.

"Now tell me, who is it? Who's the waterbender?" the soldier demanded, not waiting for the second child to leave.

"There are no waterbenders here. The Fire Nation took them all away a long time ago," Kya insisted.

"You're lying. My source says there's one waterbender left in the Southern Water Tribe. We're not leaving until we find the waterbender!"

Ash couldn't hide her trembling.


"If I tell you, do you promise to leave the rest of the village alone?" Kya asked.

Ash was rooted in place. The soldier nodded.

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