Book 1 Chapter 12: Surprise! It's the Blue Spirit

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As soon as Sokka began to show signs of illness, Aang decided they needed to land.

Taking refuge at the top of an abandoned mountainside village, Sokka curled up in his sleeping bag, propped up against Appa.

"This should bring your fever down," Katara said, pressing a damp rag to his forehead.

"You know what I love about Appa the most? His sense of humor," he said, coughing.

"That's nice. I'll be sure to tell him," Ash said, gathering water in her hands.

The sky bison growled in response, which made Sokka laugh.

"Classic Appa," he slurred, checks flushed.

"How's he doing?" Aang asked, walking into their shelter.

"Not so good, the sudden change in climate is really doing a number on him," Ash said as Sokka started sniffling.

"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea. But I found a map. There's a herbalist institute on top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there," he said.

"There's no real 'cure' for this, it's just his body acclimating to his new environment. That's not to say he hasn't come down with something too, we'll know for sure if someone else catches it. However, the herbalist should have some remedies for his symptoms, which will help where my healing can't," she said, holding water over his chest.

"And he's in no condition for travel. Sokka needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow," Katara said, before she started coughing.

"Not you too!" Aang said concerned. Ash quickly sent the water back into a pouch, propping it up next to Sokka.

Katara smiled. "Relax, it was just a little cough. I'm fi—" coughing interrupted her sentence, and she groaned, appearing sicker by the minute.

"That's how Sokka started yesterday. Now look at him! He thinks he's an earthbender!" Ash said, gesturing to the delirious warrior.

"Take that, you rock!" he shouted, punching the air.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense, too. I'm going to go find some medicine!" Aang said, grabbing his glider when a flash of lighting struck outside. "Uh, maybe it's safer if I go on foot," he said, placing the glider down.

"I think you mean if we go on foot," Ash corrected, standing up and wrapping herself in her parka.

"Keep an eye on them guys," Aang said, looking at Appa and Momo, who roared and chittered in response.

"Ha, ha! You guys are killing me!" Sokka said, as the two took off.

Making it to the bottom of the hill, she asked, "How far do we have to go?"

"It's up the next mountain," he replied, jogging alongside her.

"Then you might have to run up ahead. I'm fast, but not as fast as an airbender," Ash said, worried she wouldn't be able to locate the herbalist on her own.

"That's okay, I think I've got a solution!" he said cheerfully, crouching down.

"Uh... what do you want me to do?" she asked, bewildered.

"Hop on my back, I can carry both of us with my air scooter!" he said.

With Ash carefully perched on his back, Aang leapt up with surprising vigor, causing her to hold on tighter. Spinning a ball of air underneath him, he leaned forwards, increasing their speed.

He took turns at breakneck pace, and she couldn't help but whoop at some of his more complicated maneuvers.

Laughing the whole way, he nearly hit his nose on the steep stairs to the herbalist's greenhouse. He let her hop off at the gate as he barged in.

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