Book 2 Chapter 3: Omashu Part 2 Non-Electric Boogalo

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"I can't believe it. I know the War has spread far, but Omashu always seemed... untouchable," Aang said.

"Up until now it was. That makes Ba Sing Se the last Earth Kingdom stronghold left," Ash said.

"This is horrible... but we have to move on," Katara said, placing a hand on Aang's shoulder.

"No, I'm going in to find Bumi," he said.

"Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still..." Sokka trailed off, unsure how to voice his concerns.

"What? If he's still what?" he asked angrily.

"Alive. We have to be practical. There is a possibility we won't find him alive," Ash said.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending," Katara said.

"It's not about finding a teacher," Ash interrupted. Katara glanced back at Aang.

"This is about finding my friend," he said, leaping onto Appa's head as they all clambered back into the saddle.

"What are the fortifications like?" she asked Sokka.

"The whole city is flying Fire Nation banners. At least ten guards are patrolling the entrance, and the entire city is on lockdown," he said.

"Great. Why make it easy," she said, shaking her head.

Appa flew into the city's empty moat that cascaded several thousand feet into an empty chasm. Stopping by one of the city's waste pipes, Aang hopped off and began prying at the metal lid sealing it shut with his staff.

"A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time?" Sokka asked.

"Allow me," Ash said. Aang stepped aside. Her hands cut through the air as the water behind the plate pressurized, blasting free. Sokka was unfortunately covered in sewage as she grinned. "Does that answer your question?" she asked, trying her best not to laugh at his misfortune.


He tried to shake the garbage from his limbs, but it clung to his clothing. Aang, ever chipper, climbed in first. The downward current was pushed aside by his airbending and Ash did her best to keep the ground dry and easy to traverse as they ascended, but she could sense Sokka getting completely submerged in gunk at the back of the line.

Coming to another manhole cover, Aang popped the seal as he pointed up to the surface world. Straining her senses, she gave him the all clear as he lifted the lid aside. Clambering out after him, she stretched her back as he helped Katara out of the hole. They had emerged in a tiny square, nothing more than an odd space between buildings near the center of the city. More strangely aligned houses hid them from view, but she had a feeling they wouldn't be alone forever. Aang must have felt the same, as he wrapped his overshirt over his head to hide his airbender tattoos.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought," she said, dusting off her dry tunic.

Sokka was still struggling with the climb, and she rolled her eyes as she lifted him out easily. A wave of her hand dispelled the slime he was covered in, revealing three tiny creatures similar to octopi.

"Ahh! They won't let go! Help!" he shouted.

Ash clamped a hand over his mouth as she dragged him to a nearby corner, sheltered from the rest of the square.

"Not so loud!" she hissed as Katara approached.

"Stop fussing, it's just a purple pentapus," she said. Rubbing a spot on its head, the pentapus released its tentacles happily, leaving small welts where its suckers had been. Aang helped remove the second, and Sokka had just pulled off the third as a patrol rounded the corner.

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