Book 2 Chapter 2: Secret Tunnels

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Ash grinned as laughter graced her ears. Aang and Katara were splashing each other in the river as Sokka drifted along on a large leaf. The siblings had elected to change into their undergarments, and Aang had taken off his shirt.

"You guys are going to be so screwed if we're attacked," she said, but none of them heeded her advice. She changed into the Fire Nation clothes Iroh had given her. Rolling up her pant legs, she charged into the water.

Catching the others by surprise, they were overcome by a small wave sent their way. Aang caught Katara as she was swept off her feet, and Ash could sense his blush from where she was standing. He quickly set her down as they all took their fighting stances.

"You guys are going to be done soon, right? We have a lot of ground to cover if we're going to make it to Omashu today," Sokka said, floating by on his leaf, Momo sitting on his chest.

"What? Like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" his sister teased, and he pulled his hair out of his eyes, peering at her.

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously, whenever," he said, slowly floating away.

"So you were showing me the octopus form?" Aang asked Katara, and she smiled.

"Let me see your stance, Pupil Aang," Ash said as he crouched down slightly, arms held out by his sides. "Pupil Katara, what is wrong with Pupil Aang's stance?" she asked.

Contemplating his form, she walked over to where he was standing.

"Your arms are too far apart," she said, moving his hands closer to his chest. "See, if you move them closer together, you protect your center. You got it?"

"Oh, yeah... thanks," he said, blushing harder than Ash had ever seen him before.

"Let's see what you've both got," she said, as Katara assumed the same stance as Aang.

They both pulled water from the river, creating eight tentacles surrounding their bodies. Ash sent a small wave of icicles and they both easily pushed them away. Aang wrapped a tendril around her ankle, and gave it a sharp tug. She smiled in satisfaction, and Katara beamed.

"You make a fine octopus, Pupil Aang," she said, watching with amusement as he bent a large bubble of water around himself, creating a realistic octopus out of water.

"Da, da, da. Don't fall in love with the traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and brokenhearted," they heard, and Sokka was startled off his leaf. Racing to the shore, Ash quickly pulled her outer wrap on as a group came into view.

Their leader was a middle-aged man strumming an instrument. He stopped as soon as he saw them, and pointed towards the water, saying "Hey, river people!" He sounded like he sustained himself on cactus juice.

"We're not river people," Katara said, gesturing with her hands.

"You're not? Well then what kind of people are you?" he asked, peering at them all.

"We're just people," Ash said.

He leaned backwards, lifting his arms into the air, as if he was feeling the sun. "Aren't we all, sister?"

"Who are you?" Sokka asked, walking in front of Ash.

"I'm Chong and this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!" he said, mindlessly strumming his lute.

"You guys are nomads? That's great! I'm a nomad!" Aang said excitedly.

"Hey, me too!" Chong said, just as excited.

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