Chapter 1

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Leia was 15 years old. Her hair was short, black and wavy. Her eyes were greenish-blueish and she was average height. She lived with Mr and Mrs Miller and their spoiled son. They took advantage of the girl and treat her like a slave, two meals a week, she had to follow their orders no matter what and if she tried to resist, they would beat her up. 

But she had a secret she had discovered when she was nine. She had magic flowing in her blood. She had heard of the Avengers, and there was this young woman that had a similar power to her, but Leia's was green and the Scarlet Witch's was red. She had thought about using her powers against her family, but she never dared to. 

It was morning and Leia was in a very bad mood. Her parents made her make breakfast again. She still hadn't had any of this week's meals and she was starving. She put the food on the table and when her brother started to eat she tried to take a bit of bread from a plate. "What do you think you're doing you little brat?!" he father shouted at her. "As you might have noticed I still haven't eaten this week and I'm starving!" she shouted back at him. "How dare you speak to your father like that young lady!" her mother shrieked at her. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!!" she screamed at them. And that's where she lost it, completely. 

She started to fire green balls of her magic at them, making them go towards the kitchen wall. She then used the last bit of her energy into making the wall fall on her family. She heard footsteps coming, but before she could see who it was, she passed out.

"What has happened here?" Thor God of Thunder asked. The Avengers had come to see what had gone wrong. "FRIDAY look if there's people under all this stone," Iron-man spoke to his technology, "There are three people under the stones, and one in front  of them," was the answer he received. Captain America, the Black Widow, The Scarlet Witch, Dr Strange and Spider-man started to take all the pieces of stones and rocks and managed to take the three persons that were under.  

"That girl looks like if they starve her, poor her..." Spider-man realised as he walked towards her. "I think she is the one who threw the wall on them," Dr Strange muttered while inspecting the scene. "Some of you take all of them to a hospit..." Iron-man started to say before Thor interrupted him, "No, we are taking that girl to Banner's lab, I can sense her asgardian magic in her blood." They all looked at Thor in disbelief, but he ignored them and started to mutter, "She can't be! I can't believe it! We had been looking and looking and now without looking she's here! I wish he could be here, he would be so happy..." nobody knew who he was talking about. "QUICK! Take her to Banner's lab as fast as you can, Spider-child, you take her, but don't you dare hurt her, understand?" Spider-man nodded. 

Once they arrived at Banner's lab, they placed her on a bed. "Who is she? What are you doing here?" he fired questions at them. 

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