Chapter 7

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When Peter and Leia arrived at school, the rumours had spread like a wild fire. Peter Parker was dating Leia Odison? Why would anyone want to date him? He's poor and an orphan! 

Leia didn't care what people said, she just ignored them. But it was a bit harder for Peter. He wasn't used to this amount of attention without his spidey suit. 

Mrs Brown said at the start of the lesson, "We have a surprise trip!" 

They all got on the bus. Peter was getting nervous as the path they went through was very similar to the one to the Stark Tower.

It all then fitted perfectly. That's where they were going. Peter and Leia groaned. They were sure that Tony had prepared this.

"Hey Parker! Now we will prove that your internship here is fake!"

Leia rolled her eyes.

 When they entered the building Pepper Pots came to Leia. 

"Could you please do the tour guide, I know I should have told you earlier but the person who was supposed to do it has gone home sick," Pepper nervously asked her.

"Of course, it's the least I could do," she answered happily.

She then turned to the class.

"Okay everyone! I'm gonna be your guide for today! We will start at the bottom and then make our way up, at the end of they day the Avengers will talk to you all," everyone was confused at the change of guide but happy that they would be meeting the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. 

They started where the interns worked, then half way up they stopped for lunch break.

"Eat quickly and don't throw your rubbish!"

They followed her rules.

"The face Flash had on his face was priceless when you said you were going to be our guide," MJ laughed.

"I know right!" Peter agreed.

"Look, I took a picture," Ned showed it to them. 

Once everyone had finish they continued with their tour.

"We will now enter where the Avengers training room," whispers were heard all around.

They found Steve and Natasha sparring. They stopped as they entered. 

"Hey there Peter and Leia," Nat waved at them. The two teens waved back.

The Black Widow knew Punny Parker? How on earth?

"Pete, would you mind to spar? You haven't trained today, Tony will be mad," Steve tried to convince the boy.

"Fine, but only cuz nobody wants a mad Stark," he agreed.

Peter Parker against Captain America? Daily training? Tony Stark? 

Peter left for a few minutes, coming back with some sports clothes and barefooted. He entered the ring.

"Come one Capsicle, are you afraid?"

"Oh you wish,"

Everyone gasped. How dare Peter taunt and Avenger! 

The Captain threw the first punch, Peter just jumped to a side. This went for a while until Steve grabbed his shield.

"Lets.. take this... a higher level!" Captain America gasped.

"Sure thing Cap, just don't let your old age get in the way!"

"Oh, you'll regret that!"

"Will I?"

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