Chapter 6

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Leia was woken up by people running all over the place.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?"


"It's Monday! There's school!"

"I forgot!"

Leia joined the running around trying to prepare herself while asking Peter for advice. 

"Happy is taking you to school," Tony told them while throwing some toast at them.

"Just saying, Happy is never happy," Peter warned her. She laughed.

Once they arrived Peter took Leia's hand and pulled her to his locker.

"Ned, MJ, this is Leia. Leia, these are Ned and MJ, my friends,"

They all greeted each other.

"So you work with the Avengers?" Ned asked her.

"Well, kinda, I used my powers against my relatives, Then I found out that my father was Loki and that those relatives were just Hydra agents,"

"That's sick," MJ commented.

"We should go to physics, then we have lunch," Peter read the schedule. 

When the last bell rang, Ned and MJ left while Peter and Leia slowly made their way to their lockers.

"Hey Poor Orphan Parker!" Flash yelled.

Leia was furious.

"Don't do anything or say anything, please," Peter pleaded to her. She agreed unless things were taken too far. 

"Leave me alone Flash," Peter grumbled.

"I don't think I will. Cuz what you gonna do, run to your Mommy? Oops my bad, you don't have one!"

Peter just ignored him.

"Don't ignore me Parker!"

Leia had hidden in the shadows, she wanted to see what usually happens. 

"I said don't ignore me!"

Flash punched Peter's nose, a loud crack following after. Peter stumbled backwards, falling on the floor. Flash punched, kicked and made Peter bleed. He was even coughing blood! She had seen enough.

"Leave him alone!" she shrieked. 

"Why would anyone want to be with Parker, don't you prefer to be with someone rich and wealthy like me?"

Peter was gasping for air, she had to end this quickly.

"Oh Flash, all the things you don't understand. I wouldn't leave my boyfriend's side for anything in the world," she smirked at her reaction. 

Leia carefully picked Peter up with her magic and flew away.

"What has happened?!" Tony cried.

"Bullies," she growled. 

They took Peter to the med-bay.

"He should be fine for tomorrow," Bruce informed them. 

Tony and Leia sat down next to Peter, not leaving until Peter did. 

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